Chapter 2.

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Chapter 2.









I threw the alarm clock against the wall and covered my face with a pillow.

I'm so tired.

I made my way towards the bathroom and did my morning routine. I dressed into some ripped jeans and a top that says 'I hate Mondays' and did my hair in a messy bun. I quickly did my make-up and grabbed my black high heels and some accessories. Before I headed downstairs I took one last look in the mirror.

Looking the same as always.

When I got downstairs my mom was still sleeping on the couch and my dad was already gone. I didn't bother to get some breakfast and just went outside.

I was nearby the school when I received a text message from Lara.

Lara; where are you? SOS.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. SOS is our code word for emergencies like, bad hair day, cute boy in sight, broken nail or other nonsense.

I made my way to my locker and saw a group of nerds staring at me.

'What am I? A cinema?' I said and glared at them.Their eyes widened and they immediately walked away. They better did cause I was getting pissed off. Monday is clearly NOT my day. I closed my locker and two girls appeared in my face.

Miranda and Lara.

'Holy crap, you scared me!' I almost yelled.

'I'm sorry but we have news. HUGE news!' Miranda practically screamed.

'Uh right.. does it have to do something with the SOS you've sent me?' I asked Lara. 'Yes.' she said as her face turned really serious. 'Promise me you won't scream.' She added.

'Uhm.. ok.' I said confused not knowing where this is going.

'The son of the president is here, in our school building.' They squealed.

'Really? That's it? I thought you two finally had some real news.' I said and started to walk towards class.

'Uhm hello.' They both said walking faster behind me. 'The son of the president!' Miranda said in slow motion.

'Uh yes. I don't care, I'm the daughter of Brad Pitt so what?' I said sarcastically. They just rolled their eyes and followed me to our class.

'Good morning class.' The teacher greeted when she walked in. 'Morning.' Some students mumbled. I didn't bother to look up and just kept making selfies of myself.

Yes I make selfies during class.

'Well I see that some of you are still tired.' The teacher said with a smile on her face. Why is she so happy?

'I have news that will probably wake you up. We're gonna be having a special guest in our class for three months.' She said exciting. 'Meet our special guest, Christopher Henderson.' She said. Everyone their eyes widened and they started talking and staring at the guy who entered the classroom.

Chris, or shall I say 'the son of the president', walked in and the girls started giggling and whispering to each other. I just rolled my eyes and looked back at the guy who was standing in front of the class. He is actually much cuter in reality. Not bad.

'Gosh. He is so.. hot.' Miranda said with her jaw dropped. I slapped her on the back of her head causing her to scream.

'OW.' She yelled.

I just laughed. 'That didn't even hurt.' I said between laughs.

'Christina! Can you just stop being annoying for one time. Mr. Henderson..'

'Please call me Chris.' Christopher interrupted.

'I'm sorry, Chris is a very special guest and he's trying to introduce himself.' She said annoyed.

I just shrugged my shoulders and saw Chris looking at me. He smiled showing his perfect teeth and winked at me.

Ok.. unexpected.

But yes, pretty much the whole time people were just talking and making photos with him. Especially Miranda, Lara and all the other girls. I was just in the back screwing around with my phone waiting for the bell to save me.


'Oh my gosh he is so cute.'

'I kissed him on the cheek.'

'Me too, he hugged me.'

'Omg this is going to be the best three months of our lives.'

'Girls stop it NOW.' I said getting really irritated. They were overreacting.. I mean come on, it wasn't Justin Bieber or something.

They took a step back because of my reaction and both walked away without saying anything. They can be so annoying sometimes.

I stood outside smoking a cigarette and looked at some people really proud showing their sandwich they made by themselves. Weirdo's. I don't understand what's so interesting about a sandwich. I don't care if you or your grandma made it, it's just some piece of bread.

'Hey, Christina right?' I heard someone ask waking me from my thoughts. 'Uh yes hi, Chris isn't it?' I said. 'Yep, the one and only.' He joked.

Oh gosh, bad sense of humor.

I just shook my head and inhaled one last time. I threw the cigarette on the ground and stepped on it.

'Look, I don't wanna be rude or something but I don't care about you being the son of the president and all rich and everything, but leave me alone. 'I said.

He kinda looked shocked by my sudden reaction.

'Uhm, I'm sorry but I thought since you weren't talking so much in class I would come by myself to get to know you better.' He said.

'Why do you wanna know me? Maybe I wasn't talking because I didn't want to know you.'

'Wow that was harsh. Well, we have to be in the same class for three months and I don't think you're the person you're trying to be.'

'Uh excuse me. I'm just being myself ok and if you don't like it just stay away from me.' I said and began to walk away. I turned around one last time. 'Oh and don't think you know me already, cause you don't.'


I jumped on my bed and kicked off my heels. I just skipped the last hours of school cause I didn't want to be around those idiots anymore. My mom didn't even saw me walk in and my dad was smoking with his friends in the backyard.

No life.

I checked my phone but had no text messages. I guess the girls are too busy with Mr. Rich. I sighed and decided to take a nap. I'm not going to worry about anything. I need rest.

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