Chapter 20.

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Chapter 20.

'Good evening Ms. Smiths.' The person who opened the door greeted. 'Good evening.' I replied with a smile and walked in. The first time I came in this house was when I got out of the hospital. I never really saw how beautiful it was and I'll tell you, The white house is bigger and even more beautiful than you think.

I was walking through the big hallway and examined all the paintings on the wall, the expensive looking vases in every corner and the beautiful lamps everywhere.

'Christina! You're here.' I saw Christopher walking over to me and he planted a kiss on my cheek. 'Yea of course.' I smiled. He looked at me. 'You. Look. Beautiful.' He couldn't come out of his words.

I blushed and looked at the floor. 'Thank you.' 'But you always do.' He winked and brought his arm to me so I could grab it. 'Come with me.'

With my hands wrapped around his arm I followed him through the big hallways.

'Good evening Christina. You look stunning.' Christopher's mother shook my hand. 'Thank you Mrs. Henderson.' 'No need to thank me sweetie.' She smiled. I've met her before so she luckily already knows me. I haven't met Chris' dad, the president, yet but I'm nervous though. The fact that my parents weren't really social or that we never ate dinner like a family I'm sure not used to eat with huge, important people.

'Are you nervous?' Chris whispered.

', no. Why would I be nervous?' I stuttered. 'Well from what I see you keep dazing off. Are you nervous to meet my dad or our friends or?' I looked at him.

'Well, maybe.' Was the only thing I could say.

'It's okay, I'm here by your side.' He smiled and I nodded. 'Thanks.'

We walked into the big living room and there was the president and his friends having a glass of wine. They looked over at me and smiled. The president, Chris' dad stood up and walked over to me.

'Hello, you must be the beautiful Christina.' He said and shook my hand. 'Thank you.' I smiled. 'Nice to meet you.'

'It's nice meeting you too.' He smiled. 'I'm glad that I'm able to get to know you since you're the only thing my son is talking about.' He whispered so nobody could hear it except me. I blushed and looked away to my side.

Chris introduced me to the guests and offered me a glass of wine. We were laughing and talking until a really beautiful girl walked in with her parents. She had long brown hair and green eyes. Her long red dress revealed her curves making her more beautiful than she already is.

'Ah, Jack! Long time ago.' Chris' dad said and greeted his friend. 'It was for sure!' Jack said and hugged him. 'Hi Lisa, nice to see you again.' He shook hands with Jack's wife and then walked over to his daughter, the beautiful girl. 'Well hello Emma, look at you. You look beautiful! You grow up so fast.' He said and hugged her. 'Thank you, yes of course I did. We are already six years further now.' She smiled revealing her dimples while looking at Chris. He smiled a little and then looked away. What is going on between them? I felt a rush of jealousy coming over me and just smiled so that nobody would notice.

When we were all seated at the big dining table everyone started to pray together. I never did this before so I just did what they did. When they were done they all said 'Amen' so I just followed again and just smiled. I saw Chris and the girl, Emma, looking at each other every time but I could see and feel the awkwardness between them. Just when I thought this night couldn't be more worse it actually could.

'So Christina tell me about yourself.' Chris' dad said causing everyone to look at me. 'Well, I'm 18 years old now and live by myself in an apartment nearby your house. I'm in my senior year of high school so I'll be done at the end of the year.' 'Sounds good, what about your parents?' When he asked that my heart dropped. Chris looked at me in shock and then said something to break the silence. 'Her parents are busy with work so she doesn't see them often. She doesn't like to talk about it.' He said and gave me a reassuring nod.

'Oh I'm sorry to hear that. But what kind of jobs do they have then?' Chris' dad asked again. Chris looked at him mentioning that he has to shut up. I felt like I had to throw up.

'Excuse me.' I said and stood up.

I 'fake' smiled at everyone and walked away looking for a bathroom. When I found one upstairs I closed the door and leaned against it.

Why is my life so difficult? Nothing makes sense anymore. My parents are in jail, I've killed my ex, I was in a coma and could've died, me and the president's son like each other and are roommates. What the hell. It really doesn't make any sense at all.

I looked into the mirror. Is this Christina? Everything went so fast since THAT day. I changed into another person or something. It's like I've stepped into a new body with other thoughts, other manners. I really don't know.

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. 'Maybe I should go.' I mumbled to myself.

When I came into the big dining room everyone looked at me. 'I uh.. I am going. Thanks for everything.' Christopher immediately stood up and walked over to me.

'Why are you leaving?' He whispered while holding both of my arms. 'Why do you care? I'm going home, don't follow me.' He took a step back because of my reaction.

'Thanks Mr and Mrs Henderson it was nice meeting you. It was also nice meeting you all.' I smiled at the other guests.

'Ok Christina, it was nice to meet you too. Thank you for coming tonight.' The president said. Christopher's mom smiled at me. 'Thank you.' I nodded and looked at Chris one last time.

That's when I left the white house and decided that I would never go back again.

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