What Love Is Really Like.

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{ Starring You And Carnell Breeding }

It was a night just like every other night where you were waiting for your boyfriend, Joey, to come home. You were tired of this by now and were ready to confront him, but what you didn't know was he was a different person. You were so ready for him to walk through the door so you could tell him off. Your bestfriend, Carnell, finally convinced you to not let it slide anymore because he knows guys. The truth you never admitted was that you were deeply in love with Carnell.

You were sitting in the kitchen by the garage door waiting for him to pull up. When he did you put on your meanest face to convince him that you weren't playing games. As he walked through the door you could smell the liquor on him and some female fragrance that you don't wear. This only made your face meaner because you knew he was cheating you just didn't want to admit it. You looked at him with pure disgust.

"Why do you come home late every fucking night?"

"Because it's my house and I pay the bills, and what do you do?"

"I don't work because you don't want me to are you scared I'll make more money than you?"

"I don't give a fuck how much more money you make than me."

"That's beside the point, why do you come home every night smelling like some fragrance that I don't even wear?"

"I do work at a place with women."

"Your a fucking trip, that don't mean shit the only way you would be smelling like that is from rubbing all on them. You don't even fucking touch me anymore."

"{Y/N} I'm not cheating on you so chill the fuck out."

"Don't tell me to chill out Joey, your a liar and a fucking dumb one at that, nigga yo lips are swollen and that only happens when you've been kissing a lot so who is the bitch?!"

"Ian got time fah yo irrelevant ass."

"Irrelevant? But I'm yo girlfriend, so that bitch more important than me?"

He just rolled his eyes and walked up the steps like he didn't hear you. You followed him and watched as he took off his clothes then laid in the bed. You yanked him up by the arm hard looking at him with rage filled eyes.

"Bruh WTF?!"

"That's what I'm saying nigga, who is she?"

"I told you I'm not cheating."

"Man that's a shame, you don't even respect me enough to tell me the truth."

You started walking away from him and to the door. He grabbed your arm pulling you back and into him. You closed your eyes getting angry.

"Where you going?"

"Out the door now let me go."

"No, you not leaving me."

"You not my damn daddy now let me the fuck go for I go off on you!"

"Like I said you ain't leaving me I own you so when I'm done with you I'll let you go."

You turned around so quick you was sure to have whiplash but as of right now you could care less. You faced him giving him the dirtiest look you could muster up. It didn't phase him because he was a devil in disguise.

"You don't own shit now get yo motherfucking hands off me fuck boy." You stated through gritted teeth while glaring at him. His grip only tightened making you raise your hand up pull it back and fire it at his face slapping him with full on force. He was shocked that you could hit him so hard and that only fueled him more because he didn't like competition.

"Bitch you bought to get the lesson of yo life." He said laughing an evil laugh that sickened you to the core. He used his free hand to pull off his belt and pushed you on the bed.

You laughed thinking it was a joke. "Very funny now get out my face so I can go."

"I'm not playing now turn around before I hit you anywhere" he said growling at you.

You cocked your head to the side raising your eyebrows thinking, 'This nigga done lost his mind' .

"Joey I think you had to much to drink." Just as you finished your sentence you felt a sting on your thigh and after that they just kept coming. It took you a while to realize what was happening and when you finally came too you tried your hardest to block but it didn't work.

You cried yourself to sleep that night because your boyfriend hurt you physically, mentally and emotionally. This was a side to him you never thought you'd have to see in anyone you dated. The next day your bestfriend noticed the marks on your face from the belt so you made up a story to get him off your back. Of course he didn't believe you because he secretly liked you and never trusted your boyfriend.

He didn't argue with you over it until the next day when you had a fight with Joey and it was really aggressive. He slapped you and your bestfriend just so happened to come at the right time to see you.

Let's just say it didn't end well for Joey Gavan. He was sent to the hospital with charges and a broken everything. You were happy to have a hero and a lover. That's right Carnell Breeding the sexy singer is your lover. The night you went home with him because you had nightmares he made love to you. Ever since then it's been real between you two.

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