I Can't Help But Love You

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{Starring: You , August Alsina , and Nicki Minaj }

** Your Pov **

August was getting ready to go to the studio , where he would meet up with Nicki Minaj. They were gonna leave from the studio and to the place where the video was gonna be shot. To be completely honest with myself I like the song but I don't like the fact that Nicki plays his love interest. I mean look at her she's gorgeous and talented. I trust August though so I'm not gonna let him see me worrying about it because he'll end up turning the video down.

"Baby , you know I won't go if you don't want me to all you gotta do is let a nigga know." He said as he looked at me.

"No Aug I'm fine just go do your thang." I fake smiled.

"I know you don't want me to do the video because of Nicki." He sat beside me.

"It doesn't matter though , I just want you to be happy and successful." I sighed. "And if you blow this off she might not want to work with you again."

"At least I have worked with her already." He shook his head.

"August , your going to the damn video shoot." I said putting my hand on his thigh.

He pulled me up by my hands and sat me on his lap to where I was straddling him. He smiled at me then leaned in to kiss my neck. As he kissed my neck I leaned to his neck and sucked it , making sure to leave a nice big mark. He moaned on my neck causing me to moan onto his. I pulled back and kissed him on the lips passionately.

I moved my hips in a circular motion and felt his manhood rise underneath me. He got a good grip on my ass then squeezed it hard and I threw my head back while biting my lip. I loved the fact that he had my heart and body. He knew how to satisfy me in every way and it didn't matter where we were.

"I can't leave you here like this , come with me." He looked in my eyes with that glint that makes me swoon to him.

"I'll just be in the way." I bit my lip nervously.

"No you won't I want you there." He smiled and he saw that I was going to refuse. "It's the only way that I'll go."

"Okay fine." I grinned at him. "Let me get ready."

He nodded and helped me up then smacked my ass before going to finish himself up. I giggled and jumped in the shower. After my shower I got my white high waisted shorts , white crop top , my Timberland boots, and one of August's gold chains. I lotioned myself up then sprayed perfume on my clothes before putting them on. When I was finished with my makeup I put my hair up in a high bun.

I walked out of the bathroom to see August sitting on the edge of the bed waiting for me. I grabbed my iPhone and my perfume case putting it on my phone. I intertwined my fingers with August's as we walked to the limo. We got in and I was just jamming to the music until we pulled up. We got in and the whole set was nice I was excited for him.

"Aye everybody this right'chea is the love of my life {Y/N} ." August announced as we entered.

"Hi everybody." I smiled shyly.

"Wassup." They replied.

August pulled me behind him as he walked further into the building. I just looked around as I followed him. We made it to his dressing room and he closed the door behind us. I bit my lip as he pushed me against the door and lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. I moaned as his hands roamed up my body into my shirt.

He couldn't get far because someone knocked on the door and he groaned in my neck , turning me on more. He put me down as he answered the door.

"Yeah ?" He sighed.

"Time to get you ready , I'm sending your makeup team in."

"Aight ."

Few seconds later two women came in and a guy. The first lady started on his make up , the other started on his hair , and the guy laid his outfit out on the counter. When they were finished they left the room so he could get dressed. I just sat there watching but got up to help him so he wouldn't get make up on his shirt.

"I'm so proud of you baby , you've come so far." I smiled looking in his eyes so he knew I meant every word.

"That means a lot to me baby thank you!" He bent down to kiss me on the lips.

After he was ready we were dragged to the video room and he had the biggest smile on his face. August was always excited for his new videos that's what makes him so cute , his child like character. He's the sweetest thing ever when he wants to be but once you're on his bad side he'll snap on you none stop. I'm happy for him too but that little voice in the back of my mind keeps reminding me of the time he cheated on me.

Three years ago when August first got started with his musical career he was the center of attention and every girl wanted him. I trusted August because we had been together for a very long time and he knew his boundaries. His first concert was so dope we were all rushing around. After the concert they threw him a party and I was too tired so he got the limo to drop me off at our hotel room.

I was sleep when I had gotten a phone call from my sister Yonna saying to check the tv. I turned it to the right channel and there it was plastered all across the screen was my boyfriend ,Pop Star August Alsina kissing a girl. I didn't look at her features I just looked at the fact that he was kissing someone other than me and his hands were on her ass. I didn't know what to do with myself so I sat there thinking of the situation and the right resolution.

I got up and packed my things that weren't in my suitcase already and called a cab. I avoided August for two years but he found me and I was a disaster my life was horrible without him. It wasn't just me though , August hadn't made music after I left him and when I saw him he looked miserable and sleepless. I fell into his arms and that night we cried together after I screamed at him. I had never in my life loved someone as much as I love August and ever since the day that he cheated I had a hard time trusting him.

I've tried so hard to forget and he's tried so hard to help me forget but the memory haunts me. I know it's bad to stay with someone who hurt you bad after you gave them all you had but I can't help that I love him. Whether I like it or not August is my everything and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

And I know he's trying to prove himself to me everyday even now when he's supposed to look at the camera instead he looks at me. I can tell Nicki thinks that he's attractive because I've caught her looking at him more than twice.

After the video shoot we went out to eat then headed home. August told me he wanted to have sex at first and I wouldn't mind but he changed his mind and said he just wanted to watch a movie and cuddle. Me being a girl I agreed but I made him get us some snacks but I forced him to lay in his boxers so I could touch his sexy body when the movie got boring. ;)

{Omg it's been like forever hasn't it ? I know sorry guys hope you enjoyed it vote please ! Thank you guys for all the votes we have I'm glad you all enjoy this book we love you ! }

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