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{Starring: You & B.Smyth }

You were sitting on the couch recliner between your boyfriends legs playing 2k with him. You just beat him and you got up and did a cute little happy dance in front of him to rub it in his face because you knew that he hated to lose.

"How does it feel to be a loser?" You smirked at him.

"Well I mean it doesn't feel bad because I let you win." He said shrugging.

"Oh please." You laughed but saw the serious look on his face and knew he was telling the truth. "You really let me win?"

"Baby you know how good I am at this game so why are you so surprised?" He said.

"That's not fair, you know how competitive I am." You said rolling your eyes.

"Baby I'm sorry." He said getting up to stand in front of you.

"Whatever." You said walking away from him but he tried to touch you and you walked faster to the room and slammed the door close and locked it.

You sat in the room angry for about 2 hours and then started thinking if you really should be mad or not. It would be stupid to mad at your first and only love over a game. You still remember the first time y'all met like it was yesterday. It was a bad day for you but when you met him the day changed.

{ FlashBack }

You and your mom had a fall out because her boyfriend was flirting with you and she didn't wanna believe it since they've been together for a long time and she loved him. So instead of arguing back you just walked out the house and straight to the beach. It's been your place ever since you were old enough to leave the house without supervision.

You got to the beach and just walked with your head down while thinking, you were sure no one was in this area since you heard no people. As you were walking you accidentally bumped into someone's back and their back was so hard that you fell on your butt.

"Oh, I'm so sorry I didn't see you." The guy said and helped you up, you grabbed onto his arm for support but started thinking of how muscled it was.

"N-no it's my fault I should've been paying attention." You said embarrassed. You were too embarrassed to look up so you started wiping the sand off your legs.

"Well that's true but I knocked you down without trying." He said. You giggled before looking up at him only to be stunned. He had the prettiest white teeth ever and his left cheek dimple was adorable. You wanted to run your fingers through his Mohawk.

"I-I mean your back is really hard, do you work out?" You asked biting your lip shyly.

"A little, I'm Brandon and you are?" He asked.

"I'm {Y/N} it's nice to meet you Brandon." You smiled at him.

"It's nice to meet you too, so um are you walking home?" He smiled back.

"Uh no, I just left home needed to clear my mind." You sighed.

"I could keep you company if you want?" He smiled.

"You didn't come with anybody?" You asked nervously.

"Well dang you don't want me to keep you company? But no I came here to clear my mind too."

"I didn't mean it like that I just didn't want to intrude." You giggled.

"It's ok your not interrupting anything love, have a seat with me." He smiled and you couldn't resist his smile so you sat with him.

"It's so pretty out." You said looking up at the sky.

"Not as beautiful as you." He said and you looked over to find him looking at you.

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