Best Friend Drama

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{Starring; You, Nina Dobrev-as your best friend-, and Nathan Sykes-as your ex boyfriend}

You were sitting at the lunch table with your friends chatting it up. You couldn't help but to notice that your best friend wasn't at the table like usual. It's like she read your mind only she walked in talking and giggling with your ex. You broke up with him at the beginning of last week because you found text from other girls and saw him with one. After they parted ways she headed to the table with her tray in hand and smiling like a fool.

She tried to take the smile off her face but it didn't work. You closed your eyes and took a deep breathe before looking at your plate and addressing her, "What was that about?".

"Oh it was nothing just a boring conversation." She said shrugging like it was no big deal.

"That's wasn't just nothing and it sure as hell wasn't boring, you laughed at every other word he said." You said feeling your temper rise.

"So I did why does it matter to you, y'all aren't together anymore and you said you don't care about him." She said looking at you with an angry face.

"Really Nina, I cry over him every night I still love him and I've told you this everyday and what do you say 'Honey get over him he's not worth it.' so why change the rules?" You said while balling your hands into fist.

"What I told you is true but that doesn't mean I can't have him." She said rolling her neck.

"Your right, but being my 'best' friend does!" You were heated now and you slammed your fist on the table.

By now the whole cafeteria was silent as the students watched what was happening. You wanted to yell at them but your one problem was this dirty back stabber in front of you.

"Don't you get tired of having the same friend all your life?! I know I do I need a freaking break I'm tired of being loyal to you so you know what I'm just gonna say it, I fucked Nathan more than twice while y'all were together and I loved it!" She said her voice growing louder. As her words sank in you lost every bit of self control you ever had. Tears formed in your eyes as your breathing became harsh.

You stood up in front of her and looked down at her in pure disgust and hatred. "Your such a low life piece of shit Nina no wonder why you couldn't keep a boyfriend I mean you opened your legs for them every chance you got."

She stood up also, like she was big and bad, looking at you with a glare that couldn't scare a squirrel. "Take it back."


"Take it back, now!" She said pushing your shoulder. You looked at your shoulder then at her like she was crazy.

"I said no, and don't put your hands on me like your crazy." You gritted through your teeth.

She pushed your shoulder again and you lashed out on her. The first place you hit was her perfect little fake nose then her big eyes. Her real name wasn't even Nina Dobrev she got that from her role model the real Nina Dobrev. She hated her real name Sammy Trofolitz.

Before you could get anymore licks in a strong pair of arms lifted you up and took you out of the cafeteria but it didn't stop you from trying to get licks in. You broke down when you got in the hallway you've lost the love of your life and your best friend. They both betrayed you. You looked up to see who carried you out only to regret it when you saw the guy who you hated so much but loved at the same time.

You walked up to him and he opened his arms thinking you were gonna give him a hug but you slapped the dog shit out of him. You looked him up and down and turned away ready to walk away.

"Wait!" He called.

"I have nothing left to say to you, you're a major dick! If you didn't like me then you shouldn't have dated me or lead me on to believe you loved me." You growl at him. You saw the scared expression he wore because he knew not to mess with you when you were mad.

"I-I did like you and I still do, it's just you um you got boring at times. I needed exotic." He said with a small voice.

"You know my fucking life story! How could I be any fun after what I've been through my entire life?!" You scream at him, turning to face him. "I've been beat all my life by the people who are suppose to love me most then the one time I get loved it's ruined by a giant dick head like you who tore my heart out of my chest, I have no body no fucking body! I can't trust anyone ever again!!"

"I-I'm so sorry. I don't expect you to get back with me or to believe me but I just want you to know I love you and that I'm really sorry for everything I put you through. I never wanted to hurt you but I'm addicted to sex and once I started with you I couldn't stop with anyone. I know it makes no sense but I have real problem." He sighed.

"Yeah well I honestly don't care, my life is ruined nothing is real and people are fake!" You say and then walk out of the school and you never came back to that school because you moved with your aunt in Florida.

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