Chapter 20

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Taylor pov
I woke up what seemed very gracefully and energised. I have planned out my outfit of what I am going to wear at Nevaeh's wedding.

 I have planned out my outfit of what I am going to wear at Nevaeh's wedding

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We have kept in touch in the past week but not too much. She said that her honeymoon is at the Bahamas. Once I was finished choosing my clothes I decided to watch YouTube, because why not YouTube is my life. More specifically I was watching Danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil. I'm such a traitor I know! Right now they are my all time favourite youtubers next to Alex of course. In the middle of a video I was watching them play the Sims and I get a text from Nevaeh.
N: Can't wait until next week!
T: Same.
N: You doing anything today?
T: No why?
N: I thought we could have a day of just hanging out.
T: Cool! We can totally hangout!
N: Yeah! Let's meet up @ the mall about 1:00. K?
T: Perfect. I'll text you when I'm about to leave.

Just then Alex rolled over and woke up.
"Good morning Alex!" I said possibility too cheery.
"What's got you so happy today?" He asked.
"I was just watching Dan and Phil." I told him. He gave me a look that said "really?"
"You're watching Dan and Phil?" He said finally sitting up.
"What's wrong with that?" I argued.

Alex pov
I wasn't upset or mad that she was watching Dan and Phil, but how long has she been watching them?
"How long have you been watching them?" I asked.
"I been in the Phandom for at least two weeks." She said getting out of bed. I rolled my eyes, got out of bed, and followed her to the twins' room.
"So you just walk away from a conversation like that?" I asked.
"I thought it ended. I've been watching Dan and Phil for two weeks. I didn't know there was more to it." She says as she wakes up Denise to change her diaper.
"Ok. Whatever." I said as I was about to leave.
"Wait! Can you do me a favour and change Alexis for me?" She asked. I reluctantly turned back around and changed Alexis.

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