Chapter 26

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Three days later
Taylor pov
Currently I'm packing up my suitcase. And and I will be flying to California along with Alexis and Denise. We are going to visit my mother. I have some questions I need to ask. I fill a suitcase full of necessary items for Alex and I while he was packing a suitcase full of things for the girls. Our plane leaves in three and a half hours so Alex went to record some videos. I'm just sitting on the edge of the bed and pondering on how come I never knew that I had a brother. Why have my mother never told me about him? Where has he been all my life? What happened to him that I never met him? Hopefully my mum can and will answer these.

Time skip to California because I'm too lazy to write about the flight and stuff.

Alex pov
Taylor, Alexis, Denise, and I are outside of LAX. (Los Angeles international airport). We are waiting for a taxi to come and get us.
We waiting for fifteen minutes before the taxi came. We placed the suitcases in the trunk and got in. Taylor told the address and we were on our way.

The taxi soon comes to a stop. We pay, grab the cases from the trunk and walk to the porch. As Alexis and Denise both about nine months old they practically walk on their own.
Taylor knocked on the door and almost instantly her mum answered the door.

Taylor pov
"Hello Taylor! It's so good to see you!" My mum said as she embraced me into a hug.
"Oh and hello Alex! How have you been treating Taylor?" She asked Alex embracing him into a hug as well.
"Don't worry Mrs. Durst I've been taking good care of her." He said.
"And who are these two cuties?" My mum asked.
"They are Alexis and Denise. Our twin daughters." I smiled into that response. "Anyways, I'll stop asking all these questions. Come on in." My mum let us in. As soon as I walked in I got hit with nostalgia. It's been the same house I grew up in my whole life. I slowly walk up the stairs re-living all the memories I had. When I had entered my room I just stopped. I remembered hanging all of these little fairy lights all over, and those picture on the wall. Everything just left exactly how I had it before I left for collage. I dropped both suitcases up here before going back downstairs.

 I dropped both suitcases up here before going back downstairs

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Alex pov
"Look who decided to finally come downstairs. I was just here talking to your parents." I said when Taylor came from upstairs.
"She was probably thinking about when she was younger." Mrs. Durst said. "Speaking of you, Taylor how come you came to visit? And don't tell me just because you wanted to. I know my own daughter and there is always a reason." She continued.
"Actually, yes mum. There is a reason." Taylor sighed. I can just imagine all the thoughts running through her head.

Taylor pov
"Mum, do I have any siblings?" I asked getting straight to the point.
"What? No. Why are you asking a silly question like that? You lived with me your whole life." My mum replied rather quickly.
"Mum, just tell me the truth. I've been tested and a doctor said I had a brother." I told her as I was on the verge of tears.
"I knew one day that this'll happen. Taylor, you do have a brother." My mum said.
"Then how come I never met him? Where has he been my whole life?" I asked. Looking over to my dad I can see he has a face of guilt. My mum must've seen me look over to him because she spoke up.
"Taylor, he's not your father. Your father left me just about a month you were born. He took one child; I took the other." She explained.
"S-so th-that means I never met my own f-father?" I hiccuped. Alex was now holding my hand I one of his while his other arm was rubbing up and down my back.
"I'm afraid not." She told me. At that moment I got up and run straight to my room with tears grooming down my face.

As soon as I got to my room I slammed the door shut and locked it.

Alex pov
"Would you watch Alexis and Denise while I go talk to Taylor?" I asked Mrs. Durst.
"Certainly." She replied.
"Thank you." I said then dashed upstairs. I slowly came back downstairs because I don't know where Taylor's room is.
"Um which room is Taylor's?" I asked.
"Second door on the left." Mrs. Durst said. I bolted up the steps and followed her instructions. Second door on the left. The door was shut. I tried to turn the knob as quietly as I could. It's locked. I then knock on the door.

Taylor pov
"Go away!" I said through sniffles.
"Taylor, it's me." I heard. I knew it was Alex so I went to unlock the door. Alex opened the door and stood amazed at my room until I engulfed him into a hug still crying.
"Why couldn't she told me about my father earlier? Why did she wait all this time to tell me? Was she ever planning on telling me?" I rambled on.
"I'm not sure." Was all Alex said. I assume Alex had no clue how to handle everything. I let go of him and walked to my bed. I pulled out my phone. I was looking for a nearby hotel. I wasn't staying here.
As I was scrolling by I found a pretty cheep hotel that isn't near a bad city where you can hear police sirens all the time and people selling cocaine.
"Grab a suitcase." I tell Alex.
"What? Why?" He asked.
"I'm not sleeping here." I simply said.
"Why not?" He questioned.
"I don't want to be here knowing that the man downstairs isn't my father and my mother a fucking liar!" I half-yelled. When I said that I heard the doorknob being turned. I walk to it and open it. Alexis and Denise were trying to get in. They could just barely reach the doorknob.
"Do you want to help mummy and daddy?" I picked up Alexis and asked her.
"Mummy!" She shouted. Alex then picked up Denise and we each had a suitcase. We were just about to walk out the door when my mother questioned me.
"Where are you going?"
"To a hotel." I responded then walked out the door.

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