Chapter 28

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Taylor pov
Ok so I didn't go straight to the hotel after leaving McDonald's. I was still wandering the streets of Los Angeles. in search of my brother. I know it's basically no use by now. Who knows how long he's been gone for. For all I know the occurrences could've been form the past somehow. He could be dead for all I knew. Maybe he's not in Los Angeles. He could be in a different city. He could be in a different state or even a different country for all I know. I just really want to find him. Meet him and be the sister I always wanted to be. Tomorrow- or today rather talk to her again to find out anything about dad and my brother, to find a clue of where they could be.

Alex pov
I was awake, but I only needed to use the bathroom. I realize Taylor isn't on the bed. Maybe she's using the bathroom. I thought. I walked ten feet across the room to the bathroom, but yet she wasn't there. I start to panic. I look at the clock on the bedside table. 4:53 it read. I call Taylor's phone. After the fourth ring she answers.

"Don't worry. I'm safe. I'll be back soon.

"What huh? Where are you?"

"I'm somewhere near (29th and Park)."

"Wait. Why?"

"I dunno I woke up in the middle of the night feeling that I needed to find my brother immediately."

"Just, be safe. You don't know what could jump out at you and take you away."

"I promise I'll be safe."

"Ok. I love you. Be home soon."

"Love you too. Bye."

With that being said she hung up the phone. I was too awake by now so I decided to just set up my recording stuff and played some Roblox Pocket Edition. Halfway through recording the video one of the girls woke up (Alexis).
"Daddy!" She yelled. I stopped what I was doing in Roblox and got her off the bed. I carried her to where I was sitting to make sure she was in view of the camera.
"Guys this is Alexis; my daughter. Well one of my daughters." I introduced her to the camera. "Say hi." I told Alexis. Quietly but surely she said "hi!" Then I put her down and she waddled her way to the toys we brought for them.

I finished up the video, edited it, and uploaded it to YouTube. I saw some of the comments.

YoutubeIsAweso3: awe! She's so cute. I love the purple eyes. Perfect for you.
CraftedRLIsAwesome: I love your videos! How did you come up with the name Alexis?
CoolGuy5: hey guys click the link and you'll get a free gift! Https//.ßëþÿµîœªðž¡çñ.com
(In reply): don't click it! It's fake!
Mikayla54321: you're not in your normal setup. Why?
SirMeowsALot: click the like if you thinks Denis is better than Alex!
(In reply): lol

Just usual comment stuff. I didn't go out and explain why I wasn't in my normal set up so that's why there are those comments.

*time skip*
It was now a little before noon. Taylor still wasn't home. I was very worried now. She's never been gone this long before. I shot her a quick text but she hasn't replied yet.

Taylor pov
I was walking, yes walking to my mum's house. I wanted- no needed to find more out about my brother. I stood outside of of her door. Alex sent a text message, but I didn't reply and put my phone on silent. I got the courage to knock on the door instead of walking back to the hotel. Few seconds went by before my mum answered the door.

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