Chapter 29

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Sketch pov
While Taylor and Alex are in America Nevaeh and I were talking. We've been thinking of getting back together. I thought maybe tonight I could ask her out again. We know each other a little bit better then before. I don't want to mess up this time. I plan on taking her to a dinner date at a nice restaurant.

'Hey Nevaeh! I was wondering if you wanted to hang out later?'

'Sure! 'Round what time? And should I wear anything fancy?'

'I'll pick you up around 5:30 and just wear something casual.'

'Ok see you then. Bye.'

I recorded some videos after talking to her and uploaded them.

Mark pov
I wish I knew how to tell Taylor where I was. I don't even know where I am. My fans are also probably worried. I haven't got to upload a video in over a month.

"Well hello Mark. Good to see you. You won't be here for long. We have to take you to a different place again." My kidnapper- who I can tell by their voice is female- said.

"Please tell me why are you doing this? What have I done to deserve this?" I begged.

"Isn't obvious? You're Markiplier and I want you all to myself." She spoke in a sinister voice.

She got way to close to me and blindfolded me. Then I heard a door open and footsteps. I felt several hands trying to pick me up. Next thing I know I'm being carried then tossed into what I assume was in the back of a van. I heard the engine start. Since my hands are tied together in front I lifted the cloth that was being used to cover my eyes but making sure it doesn't come off my head.

I then crawled to the window. I looked at the street signs to figure out where the hell I was. She made a sharp turn left and I shifted to the other side of the van. I got a quick glance at the sign. Pike street it read. Two minutes later I hear the car go silent. Before putting the blindfold back on I look at the house we parked in front of.

Blue house with white awnings. I tried to use my telepathy to tell Taylor to get the police and come recuse me.

Taylor pov
I had just walked in the hotel room and I suddenly got a massive headache. By now I knew that this ment Mark is trying to talk to me. I closed my eyes and concentrated on getting his message through.

"Mark are you ok?"
"Yes I'm fine. I wanted to tell you I know where I am. My kidnapper took me to a different location."
"Great! Where are you?"
"I'm on Pike Street and inside the basement of a blue house with white awnings. Make sure you get the police."
"I'm on it. I can't wait to see you again."

Our conversation ended there.

"Taylor are you ok?" Alex asked with a hint of worry in his voice.
"I'm fine babe I just need to call the police."
"The police? What for?"
"I know where Mark is."
"Did you both use your telepathy thing?"
"Yes. Now shush so I can call."

I dialled 911 and a woman answered.

"911. What's your emergency?"
"My brother has been kidnapped."
"Ok ma'am we'll put out a search party."
"No! I know where he is. He said he's on Pike Street inside the basement of a blue house with white awnings."
"Ma'am if you don't mind I ask how did he call you his location presuming his kidnapper didn't lend his a cell phone."
"We have this telepathy thing. It's a long story."
"Ok. We will get the police over there right away."
"Thank you."

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