Chapter 21

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Taylor's pov
I had gotten ready to go and hangout with Nevaeh into this.

Taylor's povI had gotten ready to go and hangout with Nevaeh into this

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I also took off my rings off so it looks like I'm not married.
T: I'm on my way to the mall now and can I bring Ashley and Tabitha with?
N: K. Let's meet up at the food court and you can totally bring Ashley and Tabitha. We can have a girl's day!
T: Alright see you soon bye!

I ran downstairs to get them.
"Ashley and Tabitha, the both of you are coming to the mall with me!" I shouted to them.
"Yeah the mall!" They exclaimed running upstairs to change and get ready. Several minutes later they came down and we left.
"So where are we going first." Ashley asked.
"Well we need to meet up with Nevaeh first at the food court."
"Yeah! The food court!" Tabitha exclaimed pumping her fist as I put the car in drive and pulled out of the parking position.

During the car ride we listened to "play that song" on the radio. Few minutes later we arrive at the mall. When Tabitha and Ashley see Nevaeh at the food court they skip over there while I slowly follow behind.

"Hey Taylor! Hey Ashley! Hey Tabitha!" Nevaeh exclaimed.
"We are gonna go get some food. TTYL." Tabitha speaks for both her and Ashley before getting food. When they come back they have a whole tray of pizza!
"Damn the both of you are going to eat half of a pizza!" Nevaeh exclaimed.
"That's how we roll!" Ashley and Tabitha high-fives before munching on the pizza.
"Um I'm not going to sit here and wait for you both to finish the pizza. We'll just do a bit of shopping then meet you back here ok?" I asked them. They nodded their heads and continued to eat.

Walking to some of the other stores such as game stop because I'm a gamer at heart, I found... nothing. Sadly nothing seemed to pop out and say "buy me!" Nevaeh then wanted to go to forever 21. I have no interest there. Everything is too girly. After going there I begged Nevaeh to go to f.y.e. (for your entertainment) and Spencer's with me. There I found a bunch of five nights at Freddy's stuff. I bought at least one of everything plus there was a section of Ed Sheeran stuff. I bought a CD from each of his albums (plus, multiply, and divide) and a shirt! We then decided to meet up with Ashley and Tabitha at the food court.

When we spotted them they were finishing up their last slice of pizza. When they were done we hit a few more shops and headed home.

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