Chapter 25

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The next day
Alex pov
I got Taylor up around 9 am. That would give us two hours and forty-five minutes to do what we need to do. We both got ready, and ate some eggs with sausage and toast. Around noon we would be going to the "Alexander therapy centre" for Taylor to see why she's getting these nightmare type things.

About nine-thirty Corl gotten up. I had asked him to watch Alexis and Denise when we were gone. He volunteered to watch them.

After some time watching the telly it's time for us to go.


When we arrive and the therapy centre we are told to wait in the waiting area after we check in. Several minutes has gone by before we are called back with Dr. Scott.

We entered his office and told Taylor to take a seat on a chair. I was on the other side of the room in a different chair.

"Now Taylor I want you to get as comfy as you want in the chair." Dr. Scott said.
"Done." Taylor said.
"Good. Now I'm going to pull out a pocket watch, and you have to watch it tick side to side. Okay?" He explained.
"Alright. Just like on the telly." Taylor said.
"Right. Now I'm going to count down from ten. When I snap my fingers you'll be in a deep sleep." He said putting the watch near Taylor's face, but making sure it's not to close.
"10, 9, 8, 7, 6..." He started to count down.

Taylor pov
"10, 9, 8, 7, 6..." Dr. Scott was counting as I watched the watch go back and forth; starting to get sleepy.
"I see that you are getting tired. When I finish, snapping my fingers will make you sleep." He said. "5, 4, 3, 2, 1." Dr. Scott snapped his fingers.
All I see now is darkness. Until I turn around I see a man similar to me, but he's tied to a chair with a very small ceiling light that can only illuminate on to him.
"Taylor you gotta help me. Please. I know you don't know who I am, but just please help me." He said. I nodded my head and ran to him to try to help. It was no use though. The rope that was being used to tie him down wasn't budging. I was looking around to see if I could find anything that would break the rope.
I turn to my side and saw a table. I run to it and on there was a gun and a knife. Looks like someone was trying to kill this man. I grab the knife, go back to the man and start to slice through the rope. The knife got through a little, but not enough to break it.
I heard another snap and I was wide awake.
"NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo. You have to let me go back there. I was-" I got interrupted.
"Taylor explain what was going on." Dr. Scott calmed me down. Alex must've gotten closer because he was right next to Dr. Scott.
"When I first closed my eyes all I saw was darkness. I turned around and saw a man under a light, tied to a chair. He asked for help to get him out of the chair. I ran to him and tried to un-tie the ropes. It wasn't working. So I looked over and saw a table. It had a gun and a knife on it. I grab the knife and started cutting the rope. It slightly worked, but it wasn't good enough. That's where I woke up." I explained.
"Uh huh. I see. Do you mind if I have a DNA sample. All I need to do is run a cotton swab through your mouth quickly." He asked writing something in his notebook.
"Go right ahead." I told him. He got up, went to a little counter, and grabbed a q-tip.
"Open your mouth widely." He said. I did as I was told and let him swab my mouth.
"This isn't going to take long. Just sit here and I'll be right back." He said walking out the door and closing it.

Alex pov
"Do you think everything will be ok?" Taylor asked facing me.
"Yes. Everything will be alright. I'll always be by your side." I told her holding her hands into mine.
Ten minutes have gone by before Dr. Scott returned.
"Taylor, it seems like you are experiencing 'twin telepathy. After running your DNA through the test, I found out that you have a brother!" Dr. Scott informed her.
"Th- thank you for your help Dr. Scott, but we must be on our way now." Taylor said.
"I completely understand. Next time don't be afraid to consult me." He said.
"We won't." Taylor said before getting up and walking out. I of course followed behind her.

Taylor pov
When Alex and I got to our car I pulled out my phone and looked through the contacts.
"What are you-" I stopped Alex from continuing to talk by putting my finger to my mouth meaning to be quiet while I had my phone in my other hand up to my face.

"Hi. Mom. How are you? Do you mind if Alex and I come and visit?"
"Great! I'll be there in about three days. Bye bye."

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