Chapter 23

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Six months later
Taylor pov
I haven't been the only one noticing something different in the twins' eyes. Alex and I think Tabitha have noticed that their eyes are a nice light purple.

We are currently in a hospital room waiting for Dr. Jacobs to come back into the room and tell us why this is happening and if we should worry. After all both Alex and my eyes are brown. Not to mention that when they were born they had grey-ish eyes.

After waiting a bit he came back in. Alex immediately stood up but sat right back down in a worried state.
"So... what's wrong with them?" I asked.
"Turns out Denise and Alexis both have the Alexandria genesis." He said.
"The Alex whatty what genesis?" Alex and I said.
"The Alexandria genesis is basically a genetic mutation. You see when someone is born with it, such as Alexis and Denise, their eyes are grey. After about six months which it has been, their eyes change from that grey to a purple. When they are older and start to go through puberty, their eyes will turn to either a deep purple, royal purple, or a violet-blue and remains that way." He explained.

"Will this have any effect on how they see or anything?" Alex asked.

"Actually no. In fact this has no effect on their eyesight."
"So that's basically it? That's all it is?" I wondered.
"Yeah, basically. But there is more." He said.
"More!?" Alex and I half-shouted.
"Yes. Those who have this mutation will never grow any facial, body, pubic, are anal hair. That's not including hair on their head, on their ears, noses, eyebrows, and eyelashes. Oh and one more thing, girls with this do not menstruate, but are fertile." He stated.

"So basically your saying that they'll live with purple eyes forever, only grow hair in certain areas and don't get any periods!?!?" I questioned.

"Yep! You'll never have to go through any hormonal changes or moods with them."
"So this is nothing to worry about?" Alex asked.
"Not at all! They are just unique people is all."


Alex pov
"So did you find out what's wrong with Alexis and Denise?" Ashley asked when Taylor and I came home.
"Nothing is wrong. They have the Alexandria genesis." Taylor informed.
"What's that?" Corl wondered.
"A genetic mutation where they will have purple eyes." I said.
"Well for you two having children with purple eyes it must be cool." Denis said.
"Yeah! Oh and they won't have to deal with periods either." Taylor said.
"Lucky!!" Both Ashley and Tabitha exclaimed.
"That's exactly what I said!" Taylor told them.

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