Chapter 19: Defeat

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"Derek?" Liz spoke into the darkness. "Where are we?"

"He's here. Be quiet." Derek looked back at her, taking her hand. She was still very unaware of where they were.

"My dad?" He nodded.

The pair rounded corners and corners of the dark abyss that was the building. They finally came to a long and very tall stairwell, which was lit by red emergency lights. 'What a perfect horror movie setting,' Liz thought. 'The dumb girl and guy go into the building and get killed by the serial killer.'

"Liz, I can hear what you're thinking....Stop." She felt her face turning hot from blushing so hard at the embarrassment.

"Derek? Promise me something?"


"If anyone is going to kill my father, let it be me." He nodded in acceptance.

They climbed the stairs, only to be interrupted by a voice in her head. Only, this wasn't a thought. This was someone talking. They were with someone. She looked at Derek but he was lost, not able to hear a thing. Liz concentrated harder and harder on the two voices. One was definitely her dad, she knew that for sure. The other was manly and sounded vaguely familiar but she still couldn't make out who it was.

"She will kill you."

"As long as her powers are unknown to her, she will be put down in defeat, just like her mother." The word power ignited something inside of Liz. Her wrist began burning and seemed to be glowing. Derek looked at her: both in concern and fear.

The voice spoke again. "How can she not know them by now? Has she not noticed sudden changes? The girl can control any object she pleases. If she works for it, she can possess the ability to control a human. Has she not yet seen her ability to transport herself into a different realm?"

"SHE WILL NOT DEFEAT ME, ALISTAIR!" Her fathers voice roared through the building, rattling the stairs beneath their feet.

"Hear it that time?" Derek nodded.

The voices continued speaking. "She can and she will. I know it and you know it. You are a Liwah. You really think you can face a Pilae? Small child or not. She is more powerful than ever. Even more so with werewolf blood running through her veins. She can control every element there is. She can hear and see things unexplainable. She has the ability to transform into a demon creature with the blink of an eye. She can heal anyone she wants with an instant wave of her hand. You stand little chance."

Derek and Liz continued creeping through the building. As they came within Derek's hearing distance of the two, he handed her a small object. "What is it?"

"Press the button." As she did, a blade emerged from the end of it, slicing through the air.

"It's a Goret sword. It can destroy any type of Visionary there is. It doesn't kill a wolf. It only wounds them greatly. There isn't a doubt in my mind that your father knows of it." He got close to her face, his face as serious as could be. "If you let him get his hands on it, he will kill you, Liz. Seeing as your Visionary blood is more powerful and all. You have to take him down first. Once you have him pinned, draw back the sword and kill him."

The very words struck fear through her body. One of two things were about to happen: she was either going to kill her dad or be killed by him. Either way, she wasn't going down without a fight. Liz allowed the blade back into the small object. Every ounce of hatred and pain was soaring through her. She ran down the corridors, twisting and turning at every corner. She came to the door, the door that would either destroy her or allow her to win. Liz barged through the closed door, coming face to face with her dad.

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