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Abby: hey guys I think that we should name this gc.

Grace: me too but I have no clue in the world what to call it.

Emily: Me neither.

Me: I'm rubbish at this kinda stuff 😂

Molly: same tal don't worry. 

Abby: Ive got one but it's really random and I don't think you's would like it.

Emily: let us hear it I'm sure it will be better than anything i come with.

Me: or me who has absolutely no clue what to name it what so ever.

Grace: same tal I have like no ideas.

Abby: alright I'll tell you's as long as you won't judge, because it's pretty weird.

Emily: I won't, i promise.

Grace: don't worry Abby I'm not like that.

Abby: okay I was thinking how about New Tide Special Beans.

Emily: omg I love it!!

Molly: it should be that it sound so good.

Mads: that's such a good name.

Grace: I love it.

Me: how do you come up with that name ??

Abby: well we all like new hope clubs so new. Tide from the tide. Special because we all said we were weird before and beans because I like calling people beans.

Me: fair enough just thought it was a bit random and wanted to know where it came from.

Abby: okay.

*Abby changed the name to NewTideSpecialBeans*



Hey guys this is basically how the groupchat got named. It was so random but I love it.

Anyways this will be turned into a Levi jones fanfic and each of the girls will have a
Separate book and it will be about them and there faves and the groupchat, just of a way to bring it all together.

Talya xx

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