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Once I'm out of the shower, I get ready into a pair of black high waisted skinny jeans, with my pinky bra-let.
Then over my bra-let I had my blue and pink flannel/checkered shirt. Then to top my out off I wore my black docs.

I then do my make up and I do a brown eye with a nude lip. I think it makes me look really pretty, but I guess it's pretty boring. Oh and I also have my hair curled.

"Hey are you guys ready" I say asking Phoebe weather they were ready.

"YESS LETS GO" they scream.

Ahhh I was so exited. This was the moment in my day where it's gonna be amazing.  I mean I am meeting my best friends today. Not only that I meet new hope club and see my idols live. Also I don't just see them from a far. I will be in wow pit.

We get out of the lift at the lobby and the amount of girls outside is horrendous. I mean there is at least 50 girls outside. However in the crowd spot maddy. I couldn't believe it I was actually gonna meet her.

We get outside and I scream "MADDY" and all the little fan girls look at me like what the fuck is she doing. However maddy sees me and we start running towards each other. We eventually come in contact with each other and it feels so nice to say we broke the distance.

"Hey guys" maddy says as the others catch up.

"Omg your real" I say still not believing we broke the distance.

"Maddy" Abby says hugging her.

We are all just hugging and talking when my brother comes up to me.

"Hey I need to speak to you" he says tapping me on the shoulder.

"Okay, excuse me I'll be back" I say to the girls.

"Right I need you to come and see joe with me" he says taking me back into the hotel.

"Why" I say asking why I have to see the guys manger.

"He needs to speak to you something about helping the lads or something" he says looking confused.

"Oh okay" I say as we head to the bar within the hotel.



Hey guys. So talya has to talk to joe ha I wonder what about ayeee.

Talya xx

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