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My heart thudded in my chest, as if it was trying to break out of my rib cage. Eve looked down at me, "Don't worry, the act will be over soon." 

I jolted upright. This was the first time in a long time that I'd had a dream like this. It seemed more vivid, and realistic and a gut feeling told me that this one had truth in it, as if out of all the other dreams, this one was most accurate. Max wasn't in it, so I wouldn't think he'd had the same dream tonight. I got up, placing one foot down into the cold marble floor, followed by the other. Sitting up, I raked my hair with my fingers, untangling the knots that lamely latched on, trying to not think about the message in my dream just yet. If we still had that 'mind connection' we would have a better way of communication even if we happened to be separated. I checked the time, 6AM. I had time to sleep before we head off. Bek had planned to move by sun down, but the brothers' were confident that their plan of 'stalling' him would work. We were set to leave by eight and Dylan, Rodriguez's team,  were at the den planning a safe route with the Touthes'. I could hear Max and Cal talking outside so I tiptoed quietly to the door to get a better audio. 

"And then what?" I hear Cal say,

Max replies,"Take her and go. I know Craig has use for her intelligence, but if she's out of the way he'll target me and you'll have time to escape"

"And risk your life?" 

"It'll be worth it. And the further from Craig and his mutants the better. If possible, even out of the country"

"Overseas?" Cal says, shocked, as was I,

"I know a port near-"

But he was interrupted by a new voice, "It's done," Will says,

Wait what were they planning? Without me?

"Okay, everything is in play. When I get close enough I'll try and get a clear shot at Craig, meanwhile Cal will get Alex out of here and to safety, Will will set the explosives by all the gates and in the main hall. Do you think what you've packed is enough?" Max continues,

"Looks enough," Will replies,

"By the time the explosives are set up and ready, Demi and Dylan have to be out and safe too but away from Alex and Cal. A large group will raise suspicion and if they're all captured they'll be forced to return to whatever base remains in control with the government. Remember even though Craig will be down, no outer states will know until a few days pass, so there is still a high risk of getting captured"

"What do they want from Alex exactly?" Will asks,

"Her dad was secret intelligence and they think she has some information they need. But if she claims she doesn't know, which I trust, she doesn't, they'll extract whatever code she has by mutating her. Also Craig said something about her having the 'key' to something that could help his power develop"

"How do you know this?" Cal asks questioningly,

"I-I was ordered to capture her, kill her if necessary. All he needed was her brain's code"

"And you failed... doesn't that mean you didn't fulfill your task and doesn't that also mean you're wanted for betrayal to Craig? Max, this is dangerous, for you"

"All that matters is that Alex is safe and away from Craig, and in the end, I die anyway with the explosion, so the amount of danger involved doesn't matter"

I couldn't see them but I could almost envision Max's expression, covered with worry and doubt. I wanted to go out there and tell them that I was not going to let them drag me out of my fight. It was much my duty as theirs, but I couldn't seem to move or speak, it's like my thoughts were blanked and then I realized, I can't tell them anything, I can't tell them I know of their plan. I had to stay, fight with them, do my best to help everyone, help Max, and survive, even if that means putting up my life before theirs. They couldn't die, he can't die.

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