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Ein's POV:
Heh, they think I'm just gonna give up like that? Well let's show them...
I threw a potion at Y/n and she instantly fell on the floor. I picked her up and put her on the couch. "Ein?! What're you doing!" Screamed Aaron. I laughed and just walked closer.

"Making your life...a living hell..." I said, calling Aphmau down. "Now, you shall make her into a werewolf." I commanded, and threw my potion at him. He dodged it. "You...destroyed my potion. How DARE you! I only had two of those..."

"I will not turn her into a werewolf against her will!" Stated Aaron, becoming agitated. I laughed and replied,

"Then what will make you suffer...horribly? Hm?"

I knew..."So, if you won't turn her, you're no use then..."

"What?" Asked Aaron.

"Aphma darling, come here..." I commanded. She came up to me.

"Aphmau...would you do anything for me?"

"Yes Ein!" She bounced.


I threw a potion at her. He eyed glowed green, and she was looking at me. "Aphmau, you are now Aaron's enemy, he is a threat to you." I said, and then started walking up to her, and pulled out my knife.  "Kill him..."

"Aphmau...no! Stop! This isn't you!" Cried Aaron, helplessly. I laughed and watched this exciting moment happen.

"You don't know me..." said Aphmau, darkly. Heh, she can be intimidating..."I hate you...you hate me...you die..."

"Aphmau please! Please Aphmau! Don't do this!"

"Too late...I want to..."

Aaron was then kicked out the door by Aphmau and I went and checked on Y/n. She was sleeping peacefully on the couch, and it looks like her eyes are changing.

"Y/n... wake up...darling...wake up..." I said softly. He eyes then opened, and they were...red? "Y/n, are you feeling alright?"

"Yes, of course Ein! Why do you ask-" she shipped, but something cut her off.

It was Aaron...

"W-what was that?" Asked Y/n nervously. I shrugged and told her to lie back down. But she ignored me. She ran to the door, and saw it broke. "What's going on!?"

"Y/n! Sweetheart! Sit down!" I commanded. She glared at me, and ran out.

"Where is she going?" I asked myself. I was looking to where she was running and she was running to the other two. Aphmau and Aaron. "No! Y/n!! Come back!"

She still ignored me! Dammit!!

Y/n's POV:
I heard a scream, so I immediately ran towards it. I could see a broken door, and on the hill in front, I saw two people. Aphmau and Aaron?
I ran to the hill, and screamed. "What are you doing!!"

Aphmau turned around and scowled at me. "Leave us alone...now!"

"No! And what're you doing, putting my brother at the edge of his life? BY THE EDGE OF A CLIFF!!!" I bellowed, slowly stepping closer to Aphmau. I could feel my eyes doing something. I felt that...love for Ein go away...

"Y/n! You're okay!" Cried Aaron, smiling at me. But he looked badly hurt.

"Aaron, don't worry, I'll get you out of here..." I said, getting closer and closer to Aphmau. "You don't touch my brother...no one does..."

"Y/n! Don't hurt her!" Screamed Aaron.

"Shut up Aaron. Look at you...this thing did that! I know it! No one hurts my brother! AND I MEAN NO ONE!!" I growled viciously, and kicked Aphmau off of the cliff, but as I did, she plunged the knife into me.

"APHMAU!!!" Screamed Ein and Aaron, and another man with blonde hair that was here...

"Y/N! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?" Bellows Aaron. I ignored him, and tried to stay awake..." oh no...Y/n..."

He came by me, and tended my wound. "I'm so...sorry..."

"Aaron...I-its okay...I lived...a good life...anyway..." I croaked. He smiled sadly and hugged me..."I'm sorry...."

"No...please don't leave...you're my sister...please..."

"Aaron, there's no way I'm going to survive this...it's in t-too d-deep..."

I the started to cough. Badly. "Y/n! Come on! We need a doctor!"

"Lucinda!" Screamed someone. I looked around and saw it was Ein. "Y/n, Aaron...I'm....sorry...I don't know what got into me...and now...Aphmau's gone....this is all my fault...I should of never been jealous! Ugh! Why do I screw everything up!?"

"Ein...it's okay...m-mistakes happen.." said Aaron sadly. He started tearing up. "Please don't leave me...please Y/n..."

"I-I'll try..." i replied slightly. I lay down, trying to ignore the pain. I looked and saw someone running.


"Hi! What's wrong? Oh my Irene! What happened to you!" Screamed Lucinda. Her eyes weren't green anymore. "Let me help you..."

She did a spell, but I saw black before she could finish it.....

Was I.....


You're Not The Ein I Remember...(Ein x Reader ~ Emerald Secret)Where stories live. Discover now