Rememember Me...(the end)

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Y/n's POV:
I sat up. I looked at the book, and frowned. "I need to save many lives wasted..." I said.
I opened the book, and found the page. Ultima Blood.
Only the people who have the blood of the Ultima werewolf can do this charm.
I stood up tall, and spoke the words..."Unleash the power of the ultima, free these souls from pain, and let them live a normal life..."
I pointed my hand at them, and blue sparks began to erupt. My hands began to fade, and my feet began, and I felt my skin go, and be replaced with fur.
I blinked, and when I opened, I was shorter. Ein and my pack woke up, and Ein gasped. "What in Irene's name? I blue wolf!"
My pack looked confused, and then Stadium barked in happiness. "Alpha!"

Ein's face was priceless. He could understand Stadium. " I CAN UNDERSTAND YOU! This is incredible..."

"Heh, don't be too surprised Ein..." I smirked, walking up to him. He gasped

"How do you know my name?"

"Well how wouldn't I? I'm y/n..."

"Say what?"

"I had to do save your lives...your life was taken. I couldn't let that happen. Never to my greatest friends..."

You gave your human life away?"

"I love you guys and that'll never change. But I must leave. Ein, protect my pack, and become their new leader. I'm leaving..."

"What?! No! You can't! You can't leave us! Not now!"

"I'm sorry, Ein. But just please...remember me..."

And with that, I set off into the sunset. Never to be seen again....

Or so I thought....

You're Not The Ein I Remember...(Ein x Reader ~ Emerald Secret)Where stories live. Discover now