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Stadium's POV: (Random wolf from your wolf pack, and that pic is you, but change it to ur features!)

Me and my fellow wolves have been waiting in our hide out for days now. Our alpha, Y/n hasn't come back yet. We're terrified...

~time later~

Me and my fellow wolf, Peg, are searching for food. But, suddenly, we heard a howl. In Pain, "Argh!" I barked. Peg noticed, and nodded.

We bolted back to the cave to see a human dressed in black. And then, in front of the human...was....4 wolves...dead. "Grr...." 

The human turned around, and saw me, I lunged towards them, but missed. They simply just...laughed. "Hehahaha...pathetic wolf..." the human spat, kicking me. I whimpered slightly, but didn't give up. I got their foot, and bit it, "agh! Get off, you mut!"

They kicked me off, and kicked me hard and ran off. "I'll be back...pups.." they spat, and sprinted off. I ran out the cave and barked really loud.


3rd POV:

Stadium's bark sent sound waves throughout the land. Sending it straight to Y/n. She was sleeping on the couch simply, until the bark was heard. Y/n instantly woke up with a shock. "H-huh?" she whispered. "Was that...Stadium?"

She got up, and listened...

No sound...

"Am I hearing things?"

She walked towards the window, and then, noise was heard. "ARGH!"

"Its Stadium!" screamed Y/n. 

Ein that ran down the stairs, and saw Y/n dash out the door. "Y/n, wait!" he cried. But she'd already gone. "Y/n!!"

~hours later~

Y/n was running through the forest, and she could scent Stadium..and blood?!

"Stadium!?!??!" cried Y/n helplessly. "Peg!??! Star?!"

She darted through and round the trees, and could see a tail. "Stadium!" 

She ran to the tail, whipped round the tree, and saw him. Stadium in a bad state. "Stadium! W-what happened to you!?" she asked, lowering down to his level and petting him. "Tell me, boy..."

Stadium explained what happened, and he saw that Y/n's eyes were turning red. "Alpha?" Stadium spoke (in wolf language obvi)

"Yes, Stadium?" said Y/n, gritting her teeth. She looked into the cave and saw...blood. "What did that person do to my wolves!?!?!"

"T-they...killed them, Alpha...I'm sorry...I couldn't stop them..."

"Stadium, it's fine...but I'm going to find that person and finish them..."

Y/n walked off, and Stadium followed behind, telling Peg to stay with the others. "Alpha, what are we going to do now?" asked Stadium, poking his head on her leg.

"I don't know. All that I want to do is avenge our pack..."

Ein's POV:


I grabbed my bag, and shoved water in it. I rammed out the door, and sprinted for the woods. "Y/n!? Hello!? Are you in here?!" I screamed. I heard nothing. "Hello!?"

"Hello, Ein..." 

I whipped my head round to see someone in a black cloak. "Who are you!?" I spat, snarling slightly. He just chuckled and got closer. "Stay back!"

"Oh're so...full of youself, you know that right?" said the person, grinning from ear to ear. "Now, where's that girlfriend of yours, hm?"

"I don't know! And if I did, I'd never tell you! You creep! Stay away from her!" I stated, charging at him. But he slid out the way, causing me to ram into a tree...'BAM'. 

"Argh..." I groaned, rubbing my forehead. I  felt dizzy, and couldn't see clearly anymore..."She'll"

I said before passing out. "Oh will she now?"

I then heard, "Ein!!!"

You're Not The Ein I Remember...(Ein x Reader ~ Emerald Secret)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora