I'm Sorry....

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Y/n's POV:
I woke up from crying myself to sleep. Everything has been awful. I lost Ein, I lost (Dragon name). Why has everything got to end up horrible for me? What have I ever done?
Irene pleas....help me...

Cloaked person's POV:
I put the boy down in the cave, and put a charm on all of them to make them sleep on my command. I laughed menacingly, and walked out. "Now, time to rid of them..." I said, grinning evilly. I walked into the forest, and looked for a blue gem.
I searched by the waterfall, and saw something glowing. I walked closer and saw it. The gem of forgotten.
I walked back to the cave, and saw movement. "Come out, I dare you!" I commanded, shoving the gem in my pocket. "Don't be a coward. Come face me. I don't Bite~"

The person who was in the bushes came forward. It was the girl. "Ah, hello again sweetheart. How lovely to see you again" I grinned, walking closer to her. "How have you been? Without your pet?"

"Shut up! You're evil! You killed some of my wolves! You took my best friend, and possible my love!" She screamed at me, showing she's about to cry. "Do you even have a soul? Do you have a heart? Do you have a brain?!"

"Yes, of course I have those. Are you stupid?"

"I'm not saying that! I'm saying that you're are a dreadful person! Who raised you? I'm guessing horrible people!"

"Before you go any further, doll. I wasn't raised by anyone.
By the age of three, my parents abandoned me. A fire broke out in our town, and they forgot about me.
I was a smart child, and found my way out of it. But unfortunately, my parents never came looking for me. And left me for all these years. I am now twenty, and I'm glad I'm alone. It's much better..."

"You've...been alone for eighteen years? How? Just how?

"Heh, now...say goodbye!"

I raised the stone, and it connected to all the other people and wolves.
"Stop what're you doing?!" Screamed the girl. I chuckled and smirked,

"Ruining your life...."

"No!!! Please!! Stop!!"


3rd Person:
A bright light filled the air, and blinded the two people. Y/n tumbled to the floor from pain, and groaned. "Stop this madness! You psycho!" Spat y/n.
The cloaked man chuckled and vanished, and the bright light was gone. Y/n opened her eyes and saw Ein and her pack...lying dead on the floor. "No..."

She got up and sprinted towards them. "No! This can't be real, it can't be! Where's (dragon name)?!"

She stood up, desperately looking for her gratin. But she couldn't find (him/her).
She knelt back down to her pack and ein and cried. "I'm so sorry..."

The tears fell onto ein's hand, and a tiny book appeared. She then heard screaming....

"Y/n! Don't be sad! We're always here for you!" That sounded like...Aph...

"Y/n, sweety....don't give up...I love you, and so does everyone else..." Aaron....

"Y/n...don't worry. You'll find a way to fix things...well always be by your side. No matter what..." Lucinda....

Y/n stood up and frowned. She looked at the book and smiled..."I love you Ein, I love you. Aaron, I love you, Aph I love you, Lucinda I love you..... please....

Remember me.....

You're Not The Ein I Remember...(Ein x Reader ~ Emerald Secret)Where stories live. Discover now