Chapter 1

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Tyler's POV

I played with the collar of my Chess Team sweater as I waited for my opponent to make her move. As soon as she made her final mistake, I made my move.

"Checkmate," I smiled. The girl, clearly frustrated, stormed off in a whirlwind of rage. The cheering began and a medal was placed around my neck. I smiled and took many photos before everyone started leaving the park.

As soon as everyone left, I pulled off my sweater, leaving just the plain white tee I was wearing underneath.

The L.A breeze was nice and calm as I walked across town for another tournament. The calming surroundings allowed my mind to wander as I walked but my train of thought came to an awful crash when some stupid kid on a motorcycle drove by and splashed a bright red soda all over my white shirt.

"Hey, what the heck," I yelled after them. They were too far gone to hear but I caught their license plate.

I pulled my itchy sweater back on angrily and stalked on to my next competition.


I had been to three tournaments, all of which I had placed first. It wasn't a surprise; I had been playing since I was two and winning since three.

My mind shifted through the memories of my quite fortune childhood as my feet carried me and my medals, trophies, and certificates home. As soon as I got home, I arranged my awards neatly on the shelf and took a picture with the Polaroid my mom left specifically for the times she couldn't make it to my tournaments.

After kicking my shoes off, I flopped onto my bed. I felt the stiffness of my shirt where the red liquid had stained and I groaned. I got back up, wrote down the license plate, and went off to take a shower.


As soon as I stepped out of the shower, I checked my phone and saw tons of messages from friends and other members of the Chess Team. I even had a message from my school's administration. I responded quickly and happily.

My phone rung, the number of my principal popped on the screen.

"Hi, Mr. V," I said perkily.

"Congrats on the wins, Joseph. Everyone at school is so proud of you. Heck, even the National Chess Federation is proud of you."

"T-the what? Did you say National Chess Federation?"

"Yes, Tyler. They saw your performance at one of the tournaments and called me. We got off the phone not even five minutes ago."

I quickly put myself on mute and squealed before unmuting myself.

During interviews of my matches I always give a special shoutout to my school and Mr. V. I guess it finally paid off.

"So, Tyler, you're going to have to ask your mother first but you've been invited to the National Chess Federation Tournament. It's in about two weeks."

"Oh, my god! I can't believe it! Thanks, Mr. V!"

"No, thank you. You've made lots of people proud."

I smiled brightly and hung up. My mind wandered again. I could win! My heart beat so fast, I though it might pop right out of my chest, I was momentarily scared.

You can win this, Tyler.

With that last thought, I drifted off.

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