Chapter 28

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Third Person POV

It was a gorgeous summer evening. The sun had been hovering over the horizon for a while, seeming to stop to witness the beautiful event.

Tyler and his mother quickly readied in a room of a small beachside inn.

Josh had been ready for hours, excitement gnawing at his bones.

The seats that sat propped in the sand began to fill with familiar faces to the boys and once all the seats were filled and the sun had began to set, music began to play.

Josh stood attentively in a small pavilion at the end of a white walkway.

A small gasp escaped his lips as his gorgeous almost-husband began to walk down the isle, Kelly alongside.

The officiator chuckled softly as he watch Josh's eyes rake over the ravishing Tyler.

The ceremony carried on, the officiator saying his part, the two exchanging their vows, and then the best part.

"Do you, Joshua William Dun, take Tyler Robert Joseph to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do," Josh sighed, a soft smile tugging at his lips.

"And do you, Tyler Robert Joseph, take Joshua William Dun to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I-I do," the small boy stuttered as tears began to build up.

"Then I now have the honor to pronounce you husband and husband. Congratulations, boys."

Tyler instantly melded his lips to Josh's.

It was perfect, a scene out of a movie. The sun setting behind them, the pavilion being lighten up with small fairy lights, and the most romantic kiss to ever happen.

"Notre Amour Est Éternel, De Même Que Cette Promesse," Josh said, pressing his forehead to Tyler's.

These words would be said many times before the younger boy passed. These words would be murmured even past the young boy's death.

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