Chapter 8

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Tyler's POV

My sleep was horrible, I tossed and turned. I felt used, I felt like nothing. My pain increased when I opened my eyes to a headache and my mother walking out the door.

I think I reached my all time low when I checked my phone and saw Josh's calls and messages.


Josh :3  *1 missed call*

Josh :3 • hey, babe. u came to visit me?

Josh :3 *3 missed calls*

Josh :3 • where'd u go?

Josh :3 *5 missed calls*

Josh :3 • babe, ur not answering my calls or texts. what's wrong?

Josh :3 • i'm starting to get worried.

Josh :3 • baby, tell me what's wrong.

Josh :3  *4 missed calls*

Josh :3 • plz, ty-ty.

Josh :3 • should i come over???

Josh :3  *2 missed calls*

Josh :3 • tyler, i'm really worried. at least text me back.

Josh :3 • i realize it's late, text me tmrw. i love you. <3


I tossed my phone back onto the bedside table in annoyance. He's such a liar, he doesn't love me, not with the way he lied or what he lied about.

My tears began to spill down my cheeks and the pain in my head worsened.

My mind ran rampage, stupid thoughts tore through my brain.

It's only been a day, why are you crying? You can't believe that he actually loved you. You're so stupid, Tyler, so stupid. Why?

I began to tug at my hair, having no other way to release this anxiety as my heartbeat and breathing quickened, sharp
pains jabbing at my heart with every beat.


I-I can't...

The thoughts that filled my brain began to twist and turn, creating a whirlwind that made it impossible to focus on anything, including my painful breathing. It soon overwhelmed me and I blacked out.


I woke up less than twenty minutes later, head still pounding and body sore. I slowly clambered out of bed to get any sort of medicine.

I shuffled to the kitchen where I sat with a glass of water and a pill. I quickly took it and relaxed against the cupboards.

That's when I noticed the box of donuts Josh had brought the other day on the counter directly across from me.

I jumped from the counter, my sore body instantly burning, and grabbed the box.

No point in letting good food go to waste.

Within mere moments they had disappeared. It was then I felt my stomach twist and churn.

I ran to the bathroom and collapsed in front of the toilet, all my stomach's contents leaving my body. I coughed up the last and whimpered.

My whole body ached, the pill doing nothing to stop the pain or sickness. I laid there for a while, to weak to move. I finally stood.

I looked in the mirror. My skin had gone a sickly pale, bags dropped under my eyes, and my lips had began to chap.

I quickly shuffled back to my room and collapsed in bed. As my eyes starting growing heavy along with my weight on my chest as my thoughts returned to Josh.

Now not only did my body ache but so did my heart.

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