Chapter 3

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Tyler's POV

My favorite jeans sat at the top of the hamper, crumpled and stained by ice cream. I groaned as I pulled on another pair of jeans. They were extremely tight and made it difficult to do other things than just sitting and standing uncomfortably but they were my only other clean pair.

I walked to school in pain and the motorcycle was already there. I sighed and walked inside.


The bright California sun beat down on me as I leaned against the motorcycle. It radiated heat and my tight jeans didn't help.

It was a while after school, even past the time detention ended when the final student walked out.

The parking lot was empty except for a few cars in the faculty parking and the motorcycle. I saw the student walking towards me and the bike.

"Damn, baby. You look nice. Need a ride?"

"Really, Josh? You flirt with everyone this way? Drive past and spill things on them then sweet talk them," I said raising my voice slightly.

"Woah, babe. Whatcha talking about," he asks with a laugh.

"Sunday, you drove past me and spilled some freakin' red soda on me," I almost yelled.

"Oh, sh- Sorry, Tyler. I didn't have my bike that day though. I let my friend borrow it."

"Oh..." I felt my cheeks go up in flames as if I were hurdling through the atmosphere.

"C'mon. Let me make it up you, Ty," he said with his hand out. I put my hand in his and he put me on the bike with his helmet. I could smell him in the helmet and I sighed.

"Wait, wait," I said in a panic, "I-i don't like this."

"It's okay, cutie. Just wrap your arms around me. It'll be fine, Ty-Ty."

I did as he said and he sped off. To be honest, I was so scared I might've needed a change of pants, preferably not as uncomfortably tight, but I've never felt so alive.

Um, did he call you Ty-Ty?

"Hey, Josh. Did you call me Ty- Ty," I yell against the wind.

"Yeah, cute nickname, right?"

My face goes red again as I smile. I nod against his shoulder.


After nearly half an hour of riding, Josh pulled up hazardously to the curb. I put my hand up to block the blazing sun. To our right sits a small shop. The sign above clearly states "The Pawn's Shoppe". I squeal before running inside. Josh follows.

The inside was filled with chess memorabilia. There were chess sets of glasses, crystals, stones, precious metals, and so much more. There was chess themed furniture and jewelry. There was so much to fawn over.

"Pick something," Josh smiled and I looked over at him in disbelief. He nodded.

I ran up to the clothing section and picked out a shirt that said "Make Your Move" with all the chess pieces above it. I laughed and picked it up. I took it to the counter where Josh waited.

I laid it on the counter and went to grab my wallet.

"I've got it," Josh said, handing over a twenty and a Pawn's Shoppe Rewards Card. I raised my eyebrows.

Josh grabbed the bag and walked out but not before the cashier could shout, "See ya Thursday, Josh."

I looked over at him and he said nothing, just climbed on the bike and said absolutely nothing.

We rode in silence until he said, "Kinda need your address, babe."

I frowned and spilled my address to him, fifteen minutes later I was home. Josh get off and took his helmet off my head. He set it on the seat.

As he leaned against his motorcycle, he looped his fingers through my belt loops and pulled my hips to his. Our faces were inches apart. My breathing got heavy.

"G'night, Ty-Ty."

Within six seconds he was back on his bike and off into the oncoming sunset with a twinkling laugh left in the air.

I shook my head to clear it of it's dream-like state before walking inside and collapsing happily on the couch.

I was already head over heels for him.

Checkmate (Joshler AU) Where stories live. Discover now