Chapter 21

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Josh's POV

The morning started with free breakfast from our room service and extra food we stuffed into bags for the airplane.

The day continued with packing until it was time for Kelly to fly out. She had gotten an earlier flight because ours was entirely booked.

We were all driven to the airport where Kelly split from Tyler and I to go to her terminal. We just sat in front of our gate, eating the food we had previously packed.

"You're staring, Jish," Tyler says with a giggle.

"O-oh, sorry," I frowned, turning my eyes to the flight board.

"You seem nervous. Are you scared of flying?"

"Yeah... that's it..."

"It's okay, I'll switch my seat next to yours."

"No! I, uh, I mean... it's fine. I'll be fine."

"Okay, you're acting funny."

"Am not."

"Are too."

"Fine, but I promise, baby, it's nothing."


We waited for our plane, delayed two hours, and finally are allowed to board. Tyler sat many rows in front of me and I sighed in relief.

The plane took off minutes later and I began practicing my speech for Tyler.


I held the little black velvet box in my hand.

Josh, relax. It's not an actual engagement ring, just a promise.

I know, I just want him to say yes.

He will. Just relax.

"Excuse me. Sorry. Pardon me."

I looked up to see Tyler's floof of hair bouncing over the tops of the seats ahead of me and I began to panic, trying to shove the box into a pocket.

I put myself in the most "casual" position as he arrives, throwing me a funny look.

"You look constipated," Tyler frowned.

"Wow, thanks, babe."

"Ya know, you've been acting really peculiar lately. What's up?"

"Nothing, you won a championship and you're my boyfriend. I'm just excited."

"You've for a funny way of looking excited, Mr. Poopy Face."

"Well, thanks. I knew I looked like crap but way to boost my self confidence."

"Was that a pun, Joshie?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"It was just super bad," Tyler blurted before skipping back to his seat, giving apologies as he almost managed to knock out the people in the row seats.

I just laughed and pulled the ring out again.

If you keep dying your hair and stressing over this gosh darn ring then your hair is gonna fall out, boy.

Shut up. My hair is too luscious to fall out.

And the rings too perfect for him not to frickin' say yes.

Fine, touché.

I stopped my inner conversation as it reached a relatively good point. A half smile planted itself on my face as I continued to critique the ring within the box.

I'm serious. Stop being so stressed out or I'll make sure your next hair color is either gray or bald.

I pushed away any negative thought and focused purely on my speech. Now I just hoped I didn't stutter or choke on my words.

Now you asked for it; gray hairs coming right up.

No, please! Not my beautiful hair.

I said stop stressing.

Fine, okay. Not stressing, everything will be fine.

And I know I meant it.

Checkmate (Joshler AU) Where stories live. Discover now