Chapter 20

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Tyler's POV

Before I had even woken up, I could feel Josh's warm body pressed against mine and a smile planted itself on my face.

"Are you awake, baby," Josh murmurs in my ear.

I nod as Josh flips me towards him.

"Good morning," I whisper, knowing perfectly well that my mother was sleeping less than ten feet away from us.

Josh props himself up on his arm and stares down at me.

"What," I ask, tilting my head in confusion.

"You're cute. Now let's do something today."

"Like what?"

"I can't tell you but I have plans for us."

"A surprise?"


"More than one?"


I curled up to Josh's chest and took a moment to just breathe him in. I hadn't realized it until a tear slid down my cheek and landed on Josh's warm body.

"Are you crying, Ty," he asks, pulling me up to eye-level with him.

"N-no," I frown, trying to wipe away the oncoming wave of tears.

"Baby, I see you trying not to cry. What's wrong? Was it something I did, something I said?'

"No. You're perfect. It's me."

"What? Why?"

"I-I'm just emotional, that's all..."

"You know you can tell me anything, right?"

"Yeah, it's nothing. I promise."

"Okay. I love you, Ty-Ty."

"I l-love you too, Jish."

"Now let's get up and get ready. You're gonna love today."


We spent most of the morning walking around New York. We had watched Kinky Boots on Broadway, ate "the world's best slice of pizza", and bought enough souvenirs to remind us of every detail until we're eighty.

"One last surprise," Josh announced, pulling me from where I stood. I had my eyes shut for a while now, "Open your eyes now."

I opened my eyes and in front of me sat the Statue of Liberty. I gasp as Josh pulls me in to take us up.

The view from the top was even more beautiful.

"Damn," Josh murmurs.


"I had another surprise but it's five forty-seven. The award ceremony's at six."

"Do it quickly," I said with a small giggle.

"I'll do it later," he smiled softly, pulling me away from the railing.


We had sped through downtown, all the way to the event's building. It has a quarter past when we burst through the doors and to our seats, receiving small glances and glares.

We laughed softly as the ceremony resumed. As soon as all the formalities ended, our names were called. The third place medal was awarded to the young blonde girl Tyler had played, Jenna.

"Due to disqualifications, Joshua Dun has been moved to second place. Congratulations."

A medal was placed around Josh's neck as he was handed certificate.

"Now, I have the honor to introduce the newest National Chess Champion, Tyler Joseph. "

The crowd went wild, a blush appearing on my cheeks as my medal was placed around my neck and my trophy in my arms.

Josh wrapped his arms around me and, for the second time today, happy tears slid down my cheeks.

"You did it, Ty-Ty."

"We did it, Josh."

"Yeah, you're right. We did this."

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