Chapter 10

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Tyler's POV

Josh had left last night after many movies and episodes of our favorite shows. We had also played Mario Karts, where I won most of the time.

I woke up this morning to a brand new duffel bag sitting at the edge of my bed with a tiny note from my mother.

Good morning, Tyler.

I've been working extra shifts to buy you this. Pack everything you need. Use your credit card and don't worry about money; this is what I work for. Also, please don't pack so last minute. I know you like to procrastinate. Anyway, love you.


I smiled and set the note down, looking over the bag. It was a beautiful, shimmering black bag with my name and information scrawled in glimmering gold embroidery on the tag. I sighed happily and a knock came at the door.

"Coming, Josh," I yelled, scampering to the door and throwing it open.

"Woah woah, what's up," he laughed.

"My mom bought this awesome duffel bag for my trip to New York for the championships!"

"Congrats, babe. Now get dressed because you slept in a bit and it's almost time for school."

I ran off and threw on some clothes quickly.

"Ready, Josh," I said, walking to the door. He grabbed my hand as I locked the door and pulled me to the motorcycle.


"Josh, will you drive me to the airport tonight? Everyone's carpooling in one of their mom's minivans and apparently they don't have room for me, their team captain," I laugh, slightly perturbed.

"Sure, your flights at 5pm right?"

"Uh, yeah. How'd you know?"

"You told me?"

"No, I didn't."

"Oh, then I guess I heard it from Mr. V," he chuckled, seeming slightly nervous.

"Okay? So you can give me a ride?"

Josh nodded as I finished packing my bag. We had gotten out of school early, I, being dismissed after collecting my assignments and Josh, well, ditching.

I filled my duffel bag up with tons of chess themed clothes and shoes.

"Oh, Josh. We gotta stop by the Pawn Shoppe for my sponsorship package."

"I know."

"How'd you know? I didn't tell you."

"Oh, um, the manager at the store told me."

"Oh, okay," I frowned, internally cringing at my still overly suspicious behavior.

Josh grabbed my duffel as I finished packing and threw it by the door.

"What's in your carry-on," he asked, eyebrows raised.

"I have my wallet, keys, phone, toiletries, and some food because airport food is expensive."

"Okay, ready to go? TSA is gonna be a pain to get through."

"Nah, I'm TSA Pre-Approved."

"Okay, well-" he said, mumbling the rest of his sentence.

"What," I asked absentmindedly as I looked around to make sure I didn't forget anything.

"Nothing," he murmured.

"Okay, I'm ready to go."

"Let's go then. Traffic around LAX is a killer."

We walked out of my apartment and to Josh's bike where we strapped my bag down on top of his.

"Josh, why do you have a bag too?"

"Uh, I'm going to stay at a friend's tonight."


We got on his bike and drove the the Pawn Shoppe to pick up my Sponsorship package. I admired it as Josh and the manager disappeared for a moment.

When they came back with it, we left, not even glancing inside the packet of information.

"Okay, Josh. You've been acting even more sketchy than normal. What's up?"

"Nothing, Ty-Ty."

"A-are you cheating on me again?"

"No! I promised you I'd stop and I did."

"O-okay," I said with a frown.

"Baby, I promise you, it's nothing."


We arrived at the airport early and Josh parked so he could walk me in. I smiled, loving the fact he cared enough to do that.

He looked up at the flight board and kissed me.

"Okay, I love you, Tyler. Have a safe trip. Text me when you land. Go now," he rushed out with a smile before he disappeared.

I furrowed my brows as I walked away to check my bag.


Soon it was just a matter of waiting for my plane to start loading. I stood in line with my teammates to get on and waited as the flight attendants slowly began to load.

I was one of the first people
on and seated, I watched everyone pass. My eyes flickered over my team and another familiar face. I quickly followed it but it had disappeared. I blinked rapidly.

It's not him, Tyler. Why would he be here?

I sighed and relaxed in my seat, looking out the window.

We soon took off and I began to doze off, city lights and everyone else thousands of miles below us.

Yeah, that's where Josh is. Not here.

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