Chapter 26

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Josh's POV

More weeks passed. Now it was only a matter of time before graduation finally came.

As seniors, Tyler and I were extremely excited to finally graduate but Tyler had began to resemble a fresh corpse and would occasionally protest wanting to go due to his appearance.

As stubborn as Tyler is was, we had always convinced him that it was necessary.


"Boys, get together for a picture please," Kelly asked, waving us together quickly.

We were dressed in our cap and gown, covered with our school's colors and pure joy.

Kelly took the picture and began to usher us into the building where graduation would take place, Tyler and I walking in hand in hand.


The ceremony was long and slightly unnecessary. The only part I had actually enjoyed was when Tyler had gotten up to speak as a Valedictorian and Four Year Chess Team Captain. His speech was beautiful, just like him.

And when graduation ended and caps were throw, Tyler and I kissed happily before we rushed out of the building as fast as Tyler could go.

Freedom. It was amazing. Invigorating, in fact.

But I don't know what happened. It could have been the running or his anxiety from having to speak on stage or maybe it was just the cancer and lack of energy from chemo but Tyler collapsed onto the cement, retching all over the surrounding area.

He stayed down. He couldn't stand. His eyes had gone wide and he clutched at his chest, his breathing had stopped.

Kelly screamed out and called 911 as I gripped Tyler.

"No, Tyler. Not today. Not now," I murmured into his ear, "We promised. You promised."

Time froze and flew by simultaneously, like a scratch on an old record. I was scared out of my mind.

A Crowd.

The Ambulance.

Kelly Screaming.

Tyler Flatlining.

The Goddamn Waiting Room.

I can't remember what happened in exact detail but as soon as visitors were allowed, Kelly and I scrambled to Tyler. He had been taken to the cancer ward, where neither he nor Kelly and I would be leaving for weeks.

"Ty-ty," I whimpered as I looked over the IVs and tubes protruding from his ghosted skin.

His head turned toward me.

"I'm fine, Jish," he murmured hoarsely.

Kelly and I wrapped our arms around him. He wasn't fine, none of this was.

Everything worsened as the Doctor came in.

"Mrs. Joseph. Mr. Dun," the doctor nodded to us curtly as he checked Tyler's papers.

He had learned our names from the poor nurse Kelly and I had verbally abused for precisely ten minutes to try to see Tyler.

"W-what's wrong with him, Doctor," Kelly asked, trying not to completely sob or even sniffle.

"We have to end his chemo. It's done nothing for him. The cancer's spread to various parts of his body. I'm so sorry but there's nothing we can do anymore."

"How l-long does he have," I asked, griping Tyler's hand.

"We can't calculate exactly but he can have anywhere from months to years."

Kelly murmured something to the Doctor and they walked out into the hallway.

I turned back to my boyfriend. His eyes were dull as he stared at the white wall directly in front of him.

"Can we just get married," he murmured seriously.

"One day, Tyler. You have to live until then."

"I want everything you promised me in that room that night. To get married, to have kids. I want that," he whimpered, his eyes clenching shut to hold back tears.

"I'll give it to you. I'll give you everything," I whispered before pressing my lips to his cold hand.

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