Chapter 19

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Josh's POV

"Wait, so you never fully explained the pins on your lanyard," Tyler pointed out as we walked into the event building for final's day.

"Tournament nights at the Pawn Shoppe. I'm surprised you never showed up."

"Oh, I never knew they had tournament nights."

"It's a super elite kinda thing. But that's why I'm surprised you didn't know. I only knew because I worked there."

Tyler just laughs and hugs me.

"What," I ask, wondering what brought on his strange mood change, not that I was complaining.

"Nothing, I just love you," he giggles.

Camera click.

Our heads turn yet again to an innocent looking Kelly. Tyler just laughs and walks off to sign us in.

"Hey, I have an idea," I whispered to Kelly, "Just keep taking pictures and sending them to me. And I'd like to take Tyler out tomorrow, if that's okay with you."

Kelly's eyes lit up as she nodded and sent the photo right over.

"Thank you," I say before walking over to Tyler.

"Ready, Jish?"

"Absolutely, babe."

We took each other's hand as we walked into the finals room.


I had placed third. It was a really uneventful game and my mind wandered, completely forgetting the task at hand.

Now I just sat watching Tyler play for first place, which I was absolutely sure he'd win.

Pawns began to move off the board as each player's major pieces began to move. Tyler's pieces began clearing the board further.

Time seemed to stop as I saw a flaw in Tyler's strategy but Tyler's eyes connected with mine and he instantly fixed it.

But time continued to stand still as Tyler's pieces overtook the board completely.

"C-Checkmate," Tyler choked out, his whole demeanor in utter shock as the crowd around us cheered.

Tyler's opponent stood as the representative went to place the medal around Tyler's neck, and punched him right in the jaw.

I instantly lunged at the guy who just took a right hook to my fragile boyfriend. A fight broke out. There were kicks and punches, but worst of all, there was blood.

Tyler was on the floor, Kelly cradling the small boy.

Suddenly, the asshole who attacked Tyler and I were pulled apart.

I stood back and crossed my arms angrily as the other bruised boy struggled against the security guard.

"Get him out. He's disqualified," a woman yelled from beside Tyler and Kelly.

The opponent was dragged away through the crowd and I was left.

"I-I'm not disqualified?"

"Weren't you just defending your boyfriend? I'm pretty sure that counts as self-defense," she said, straightening her outfit.

"Yeah, I, uh, I gue-"

"Okay, now let's get to business. Get up, honey," the lady said, taking Tyler by his hands to pull him to his feet.

Tyler's jaw had one big bruise whereas I had sustained multiple bruises and probably a black eye.

"The award's ceremony is tomorrow at six. Be here, both of you."

"Thank you so much," Tyler and I said in unison before she walked away. Leaving us amongst the crowd.

Tyler threw his arms around me and squealed, our lips connecting seconds later. The crowd cheered and Tyler pulled away, a dark blush forming on his cheeks.

I smiled and pulled Tyler through the crowd, Kelly following behind as we were littered with 'congrats' and 'you did it'.


Tyler laid in my arms and stared up at the hotel ceiling with me as I stroked his gorgeous brown hair.

"I did it," he murmured, still shocked.

"Yes you did, baby. Yes you did."

Checkmate (Joshler AU) Where stories live. Discover now