Chapter 2

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Tyler's POV

I woke to the sound of the front door shutting. I quickly turned over and picked up the morning note my mom left for me. I read the beautifully scrawled writing before getting up and getting dressed for the day.

My outfit consisted of my favorite black jeans and my Chess Team shirt before throwing on my checkerboard patterned Converse. I walked out the door and to school happily.

My happiness ruined by the sight of a sleek black motorcycle with the exact license plate of the one from the day before. I growled before brushing it off.

You can deal with it after school, Tyler.

I sped past it and into the building where my team waited with cheers, back claps, and laughs but after a few moments we dispersed. The bell rang and I walked to class.

Morning announcements began. It sounded like faint mumbling until I heard, "Congratulations to Tyler Joseph for being invited to the National Chess Federation Tournament. We wish you the best of luck."

My cheeks flamed red as I sat in my desk. Everyone clapped but my eyes went to the boy with the bright colored hair. He smiled and I put my head on my desk in further embarrassment.


The day went on as normal but when the end of the day came, I walked out to the motorcycle and leaned against it. The school instantly emptied out but I continued to wait.

I waited to the point I was almost late to a Team Meeting. I ran inside and rushed the meeting along but by the time I was back outside the motorcycle and it's owner was gone. I growled and walked home mildly upset.

I stopped walking when I reached the new ice cream shop.

Maybe you just need to chill, Tyler.

I laughed and went in.

"Hi, can I get you something?"

I nodded and looked around, spotting the customer next to me, the boy with the bright colored hair. I tried to hold back the blood rushing to my cheeks.

"Yeah, can I get a vanilla cone," I asked the girl behind the counter.

"Sure," she said as began making my cone.

"Hey, you're that kid that's going to the NCF Tournament," the boy next to me says with a bright smile.

"Yeah, Tyler Joseph. You are?"

"Interested in getting to know you more."

"I meant your name," I laugh.

"Joshua Dun but I go by Josh , but you can call me anything you want," he smirks.

"Well thank you, Joshua Dun but I go by Josh," I say with a giggle as I take my cone.

"You're welcome, babe," he winks.

I walked out the door with a playful eye roll and skipped home happily.

I had nearly forgotten about the motorcycle and I was happy until I felt the ice cream drip onto my favorite pants. I groaned and pulled them off as I clambered into bed. They wound up in my hamper as I finished the rest of my cone, thinking about the boy from the shop, Josh Dun.

He was absolutely straightforward and flirtatious, I kinda liked it and by kinda I mean a lot. I smiled as I picked up my phone and began an online chess match with one of my better teammates.

Everything was good, everything was okay.

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