Chapter 27

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Tyler's POV

Again, many weeks had passed. We were back to living at my apartment now but Josh and I still had no clue what my mother had told or asked the doctor, or that's what I thought.

Josh and I laid on the floor, my head in his lap as he played with my regrowing hair. Little did I know I was about to find out the topic of the secret conversation.

"I need to talk to you boys," Kelly sighed, waving us over to the couch.

"Okay," Josh and I said in unison before sitting.

"That day, the first day Tyler was in the hospital?"

"Yeah," we said in unison again, glancing at each other with small smiles, Josh's seeming a bit brighter.

"I was speaking to the Doctor about Make-A-Wish."

"Oh," I sighed.

"I didn't know what you wanted. I was going to come in to ask you but I heard your conversation."

"And," I asked as Josh sat quietly, a playful grin planted on his lips.

"And Make-A-Wish would like to pay for a wedding for you and Josh."

The only thing to escape my mouth was a gasp before Josh grabbed my hands and turned me towards him.

"Y-you knew," I asked, receiving a small nod in return.

I looked back over to my mother.

"The beach, this weekend. We've been planning for weeks," she sighed with a smile.

"I wanted to tell you, Ty," Josh frowned.

"It's okay. I think I like the surprise better," I giggle softly before pressing my lips to his.


We had gone out shortly after that to find me a dress. It had been so last minute but Josh had insisted I wear what I chose and I wanted a dress.

"Tyler, look," my mother squealed pointing to a beautiful dress, "It's your size and they said that if it fits perfectly then we can take it today."

I smiled as she grabbed it and pulled it to dressing room where the attendant helped me slide into it.

I gasped and my mother began to cry.

"Y-you're beautiful, Tyler," she smiled and hugged me.

I hadn't know that I could feel so beautiful in a dress.

Maybe it isn't the dress.

What else could it be?

The fact that you're getting married to Josh in it? I don't know, just a guess.

Josh had stayed in the lobby as to keep the dress a secret from him but I wish I could've ran out to him just then.

"I'll take it," I said to the attendant as I wiped the tears away carelessly.

I slid out of the dress and we walked to the front of the store.

I gasped again that day when I saw the price and my mother hand over a Make-A-Wish credit card.

She carried my seemingly heavy dress in a white bag to the car as Josh and I held hands.

Our eyes connected and I felt tears well up.

"I love you, Tyler."

"I love you too, Josh."

"Notre Amour Est Éternel, De Même Que Cette Promesse," he whispered into my ear with a soft smile.

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