Chapter 18

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Josh's POV

I happened to wake up moments before Tyler; it was long enough to look him over. I admired his gorgeous brown fluff covering his head, his perfectly sculpted face, and his beautiful pink lips.

I couldn't resist as I scanned his face, taking a mental picture with a happy sigh, accidentally making him wake up.

"Uh, good morning, Ty."

"Were you staring at me," he asked as he yawned and rubbed his eyes.

"Psh... no."

"Mhm, sureeee?"

I groaned. I hated that I got caught.

"I just thought-"

"I look pretty cute," he giggles, snuggling closer to me.

"Yes you do, Tyler," I sighed, our eyes connecting as our eyes spoke the words we couldn't without crying.

Then a camera click came.

Tyler and I looked over to see Kelly sitting up with her phone in her hands, smiling innocently.

We all collapsed into laughter and I held Tyler tightly.

"Kelly, can you email me that photo," I asked with a polite smile.

"Sure, hun," she said with a mutual smile, sending it over to me after I gave her my email. I'd save it as soon as I could actually check my email considering my phone had been stolen.

"Time to get ready for day two," Tyler yawned as he climbed from bed and pulled me back down with him.

"Yep, this is definitely getting ready, Ty," I laugh.

"Yep," he mumbles tiredly.


It had only take thirty minutes to get Tyler up but now we sat feet apart, both playing a different opponent.

Today would end with the group of the semi-final's competitors. Tyler hadn't lost a single game and was ensured a spot whereas I had lost once and just had to win this game to ensure my spot.

"Checkmate," Tyler giggles, shaking hands with the pretty blonde girl across from him.

"Good game," she grumbles before walking away.

Tyler walks over to my table and sits, watching me play.

"You can do it, babe," Tyler says with a bright smile.

"I know," I laugh with a small smirk, evoking a growl from my opponent.

Kelly walks up and hands Tyler a bunch of stuff.

"How'd you get this back," Tyler gasps.

"They found the guy and all the stuff he's stolen. I just told the officers exactly what was stolen and they handed it over," Kelly says happily, "But not before I could have a little chat with the thief."

Tyler giggled and I sighed.

God, I love him so much.

"Checkmate," I said to my already angered opponent. He walked off.

"Welcome to the Semi-Finals, Josh Dun," the representative says monotonously before walking away.

I quickly turned and wrapped my arms around Tyler.

"We've both made it," we say together, laughing at the coincidence.

A camera clicks.

We turn to Kelly and laugh. She stands there, phone out and an innocent smile again.

"Send it to me please," I mouth, making sure Tyler couldn't overhear.

I give him a quick peck afterwards and slide my hand in his back pocket. Tyler does the same before we start walking to go back to the hotel.

"I love you, Tyler Joseph."

"I love you too, Josh Dun."

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