Chapter 6: Kids?

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2 Weeks Later
Katie's P.o.V

"So, what do you wanna do Jace?" I asked kissing his cheek. He shrugged and wrapped his arm round me, "Wanna go get a drink or something to eat?" He asked. I thought about it and smiled. "Sure that sounds fun, I know a great place. Come on" I said holding his paw. We started to walk and talk heading towards a bar to get a drink. "Hey Jace, I heard at the bar they have this guy who sings. He's always taking requests too" I said and he looked at me intrigued. "Oh really? What kind of music?" He asked and I tried to remember. "Uhm, I think a lot of things, mostly rock though. He's really obsessed with Green Day" I said and he smiled. "That's cool, I might request a song from their album last year" he said and I smiled. "I'd love to hear you sing Jace" I said and he blushed slightly. "I can't sing Katie, my voice is too gruff for it" he said and I giggled. "No it isn't, it's beautiful" I said and pecked his cheek.  He smiled and said, "Thank you beautiful" he said and we stopped at the bar. He opened the door for me and I walked in hearing Green Day playing. Jason walked in after me and looked around. "Nice place" he said looking around and tapped me on the shoulder. I turned and he pointed at the fox on the stage, "Is he the guy obsessed with Green Day?" He asked and I nodded. "What's his name?" He asked as we ordered a drink. I shrugged as we sat at a table for two, "He's only been called 'Muffin' by his boyfriend" I said and nodded at the husky serving out drinks, "And he's only been called 'Puppy' by 'Muffin'" I added and he nodded. "Slightly strange, but not really a problem" he said as the husky served us our drinks. I smiled and thanked him, then sipped on my lemonade. Jason caught the husky's sleeve and said, "Excuse me, can you ask the fox to play 2000 Light Years Away?" He asked and the husky smiled. "Of course, he loves Green Day" the husky said and went to the fox and told him the request. "Alright, now I'm going to play 2000 Light Years Away by Green Day" the fox said and began playing his guitar and singing. "So, almost two and a half months with you, best time of my life" Jason smiled, setting his paw on top of mine. I smiled back and brushed my hair out my face. "Yeah, it has" I said holding his paw. "You ready for school?" I asked and he groaned. "Oh don't remind me" he said and I giggled and drank more. We finished our drinks and decided to leave, walking back to Jason's house.

Next Day

Jason was hanging out with John so I was hanging out with my friend Kim. "Hey Katie, where have you been so much recently?" She asked kinda surprising me. "I thought it was obvious, I've been with Jason" I said and her expression went blank and she was silent for a couple seconds. "Why?!" She eventually demanded and I giggled. "Do you honestly not know? We've been dating for about 2 months now" I said and she looked angry but quickly covered it up. "Oh, congratulations Katie" she said with an angry tone. "Are you alright? You're being slightly weird" I said and she picked up her bag. "I'm fine, I have to go now. Bye Katie" she said, quickly walking away. I shrugged it off and grabbed my bag, then walked over to Carrie, who was talking with Marie. "Hey guys, how are you?" I asked. Carrie turned and smiled, "Hi Katie! We're fine" she said and I sat down. "Where's Kim?" Marie asked. "She seemed angry about something and walked off, I don't really mind" I said taking my bag off. "So, what are you talking about?" I asked. "Oh, just our boys" Marie blushed and I giggled. "Where's Stan?" I asked and Carrie grinned. "In detention, little bad boy" she said and we giggled. "So, how are things with Jason going Katie?" Marie asked and I smiled. "They're going well, he's so nice, treats me like a goddess. How's John, Carrie?" I asked. "He's still the same old John, cute, kind and beautiful" she smiled.

We talked for a bit and I thought about something and asked, "If you two were ever gonna have kids, what would you want?". She looked stunned slightly by the question. "Umm, can't say I haven't thought about it. Why's it on your mind?" She said. I shrugged, "Only wondering" I replied and she nodded. "Well, I'd like more than one child for sure. I'd let John name one but, I know this tail is a common trait" she said swishing her tail, showing the cyan tip. "If one of my children has it, and is a little boy, I'd definitely call him Tom" she beamed. "Why Tom?" Marie asked and Carrie giggled. "Well, I think it's safe to say, I'd love to have a little Tommy to hug" she said hugging her tail and I giggled. "Little Tommy Henshaw? That's adorable Carrie" I said and she blushed. "Sorry, got carried away into fantasy" she said, letting go of her tail. Me and Marie laughed and she blushed madly. "Well, what about you Marie?!" She said, desperately trying to swap the focus of the conversation. "Don't care really" she said then thought about something before adding, "Actually I don't care how many children come before, I want a little Emily" she said and I smiled. "Isn't that adorable, a little Emily?" Carrie said and Marie nodded. "Hey, I just thought of something" I said and they both looked at me. "Say Carrie, you get your little Tommy and Marie, you get your little Emily" I started and they nodded. "I think I see where this is going" Marie said and I grinned. "What if they started dating?" I asked and Marie's face said, 'I knew it!'. They looked at each other then back at me. "Well, that would be slightly weird, but it would be so cute too" Carrie said and Marie nodded. "Yeah it would but, we'd be even closer than just besties" Marie said giggling. "If you get Tommy, and you get Emily, I bet you £100 they will start dating" I said holding my paws out for them to shake. They grinned and shook my paws, "Deal!" They said in unison. "Well, I can't wait to get £100 for free" I said and Carrie grinned. "Well, what about you Katie? What do you want?" She asked and I blushed slightly. "I haven't thought about it really. Maybe a boy, no a girl... I want both!" I stated and they giggled. "Thought of names?" Marie asked and I thought for a second but shook my head. "I can't think of any" I said and faintly heard the bell go. "I'll see you sweeties later" I said getting up and  hugging them. "Okay baby, see you later" Carrie said and we let go and walked away.

After School

I sat outside waiting for Jason when I saw Emma walking out of school being followed by someone older than her. She was clutching a couple books tightly to her chest with tears streaming down her cheeks. Emma stopped and I got up and headed towards her. The guy was hurling abuse at her. As I got closer I could hear what was being said. "Come on you stupid bitch where's my money?!" The guy said, frustration clearly in his voice. Emma clutched the books tighter and cried harder making the guy angrier. He pushed her and repeated, "Where the fuck is my money?!". People looked over but looked away immediately, obviously intimidated by the bully. "I-I never said I'd give you money" Emma whimpered crying harder and squeezing the books against her chest. The bully snatched the books from her, then whacked her across the face with them, forcing her to fall over. He looked at the front of one and then opened it and read before laughing cruelly. "Now, here's your choice cunt! You either give me what you owe me, or I'll give this to Dan, seeing how he's single again" the bully said as Emma got up. She reached for her books but the the bully whacked her with them again, sending me past my boiling point. I stormed over to him, quickly snatched Emma's books before punching him hard across the jaw. "You better leave her alone, prick!" I said as Emma hugged me. The bully laughed, "Or what? I'll get beaten up by a little girl?!" He said before his neck was grabbed and he was forced into a wall. "No, you'll get beaten up by her brother!" Jason growled, fist clenched. Lots of people looked over but shrugged it off. "Apologise to her, then promise to leave her alone for ever!" Jason growled, pure hatred in his voice. The bully chuckled and Jason tightened his grip around the bully's neck making him choke. "Okay, okay! Sorry!" He said and Jason let go. "Now get outta here!" He added and the bully scurried off quickly. Jason looked down at Emma, then hugged her as she hugged him back. "Are you alright Emma?" He asked and she shook her head. "We'll talk to mum about it okay?" He said calmly then looked up. "Thanks Cookie" he said and I kissed him softly. "No problem Jace".

There is definitely an explanation required isn't there. Well, I've had a serious lack of ideas, and my GCSE exams happening. I have one left, and that's on Tuesday so yay. I hope you guys didn't lose interest, because I will try to update this more regularly, but not daily. I'll see you soon guys, Exze out.

Love Mends Any Wound(Straight Furry Fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon