Chapter 9: The Fire

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Jason's P.o.V

Everyone ran out to the field and lined up in forms. People were screaming, kids were crying, teachers were in awe. The science block was engulfed in flames, smoke pouring out from the smashed windows. I stood there staring, hoping everyone was alright when my name was called. I looked and saw Katie and ran to her, hugging her. "Thank god you're alright!" I said as she hugged me tighter. "I was so scared Jace. The alarm went off and Miss Biggs was so confused" she said and I nodded. "The same thing happened with Mr Marigold. He looked confused and mumbled something about the drill being next week" I said, looking at the flames. We heard sirens wailing in the distance, most likely the ambulance and the fire brigade. "Jason, what did Emma have?" Katie asked worried and I thought, freezing when I remembered. Katie saw and gasped, "Oh no. She had science, didn't she?" She said and I ran to Emma's form looking for her, but she wasn't there. I felt terrified and extremely worried as I looked at the burning door to the science block. "Jace, is she there?" Katie said running over. I looked at her, kissed her and bolted it towards the burning building as she screamed my name for me to stop. I ran in and slid under a burning beam as it crashed down, blocking the entrance.

"Emma!" I shouted, coughing from the smoke. Fire was everywhere, smoke filled the air and the building was crashing down all around me. "Emma! Where are you?!" I shouted hearing snapping. I looked up and saw the beam about to break and dived out the way, just in time. I slowly got to my feet, coughing and spluttering heavily, rubbing my sore eyes. "Emma!" I shouted again, running but my head started to hurt, but it wasn't a headache. "Teddy Bear?" I heard and turned to see Emma at the end of the hallway. I ran towards her, hugging her instantly. "What happened Emma? Why didn't you go outside with everyone else?" I coughed. "I followed-*cough*-I followed the fireman" she said confusing me. "What fire man?" I asked and she pointed behind me. "That one" she said and I turned to see someone in a gas mask with a water pipe rested on their shoulder. "Run!" I shouted, getting up and running towards the other exit with Emma. She was coughing heavily and slowing down so I picked her up and ran with her, dodging falling beams and walls, and evading fire. I looked back and the man was chasing us still but when I looked back I saw a massive, black, winged monster. I screamed in fear, slipping over. "What the fuck is that!" I shouted, pointing but Emma said, "There's nothing there". I heard breathing and looked up to see the man and quickly said, "Emma, go down the hall, left, then right and you'll find another exit. Go!". Emma hugged me and ran as I got up holding my fists up. "Ill take you down! Come at me you..." I said but that's when I saw it. There wasn't 1. There was 12, there was that monster, there was...that bitch and... My dad?! I swung at one of the men, hitting him but got whacked by another with a pole in the back. It became a repetitive thing of hitting but getting hit harder, while hearing my dad insulting me, and being scared by that thing. I managed to scratch one of the men on his left arm and got whacked in the stomach. The coughing made it harder to fight, and it got worse as my legs were taken out and I fell. As I got up slowly I saw him go over and whack the wall. I turned and the exit, I started towards it before a beam fell crushing me. The man cam over to me as I lay bleeding and coughing and whispered, "If I can't have you, no-one can" and walked out. That wasn't a man, that was a girl I thought before passing out.

Katie's P.o.V

"Katie!" I heard and turned to see Emma running at me. I ran towards her, crouching and hugging her. "Thank god you're safe!" I said but realised, "Where's Jason?!" I added worried. "He's inside, fighting the fireman" Emma said and I went pale. "Nobody's been sent in. I need to go after him!" I said, getting up and sprinting towards the second entrance. I ran in and coughed heavily almost instantly. There was smoke everywhere. I ran in, coughing and avoiding fire before I came to the end of the hallway, a beam was blocking it. I was about to shout for Jason before seeing him under it, bleeding. I gasped, tears escaping my eyes as I fell to my knees. "Jason?" I cried stroking his sooty hair but got nothing in response. "We got 1 here" Someone said and I looked behind me, coughing heavily to see two firemen, one with an axe. "Make that 2" he added and the other handed me an oxygen mask. The first started to chop and the beam, cutting off chunks until it was light enough to lift while the other pulled Jason out. I instantly hugged Jason crying heavily into him. "Young lady, we need to take him outside" one fireman said and I nodded letting go. The picked him up and carried him out, me following them closely behind. He was taken to an ambulance and I saw Emma run over out of the corner of my eye. "Teddy Bear!" She shouted, going for the ambulance but I grabbed her and I hugged her. "No Emma. He's being taken to hospital. Just let them" I said calmly before coughing and she just nodded, hugging me tightly.


Jason had barely survived. His ribs are broken, left arm is broken, back is broken and right shoulder is in pieces. I sat next to him, holding his paw. He was asleep after having about 3 hours of surgery done just to save him. "Why did this have to happen to you Jace?" I said quietly hearing the doctor walking in. I looked over and there was a feamle police officer with him, as the doctor sighed. "Miss Williams, there's something you must know. When checking Mr King's blood for any infections, we came across an anomaly. It seems he ingested some form of hallucinogenic drug, most likely via drinking or eating. The bruises on his body back up what we fear, this was a planned attack" he said and I sat there quietly, processing everything. "His sister says she was following a fireman, but there were no firemen on site until after Mr King went in. The person who drugged your boyfriend also trapped his sister and most likely set fire to the school in an effort to kill him" the female police officer said and I started to cry. "I'm sorry, he will have someone watching him every hour he's here, we have to be safe" she added as I heard groaning. I looked over to see Jason opening his eyes slowly, groaning. "Jace?" I said, sliding my chair closer to him. "Cookie?" He replied and I smiled, tears of joy now streaming down my face and I gently kissed him. "Thank god you're alright. Well, not dead at least" I said and he chuckled slightly before his smile disappeared. "Wait, where Emma?!" He said sitting up quickly but yelped in pain. I pushed him back down slowly, "She's safe. You saved her. And Jace...the police and doctors think this was planned, the fire, Emma being trapped. All by that man who left you for dead. He drugged you somehow" I said but he shook his head. "She. It was a girl... And I think, I think it was by my water bottle. I thought the water tasted off" he said and coughed. "Mr King, you will have to stay here for a while, then it will take you a few months to properly recover" the doctor said and Jason nodded. "Okay, thank you doc" he said and nuzzled my paw. "Oh yeah. One more thing Jace" I said and he looked over, only for me to slap him hard across the face. "Don't you dare, scare me like that again!" I said sternly and he chuckled. "That stung Katie. And I won't. I did it because my brotherly instincts kicked in and I ran in" he said and kissed my cheek. "I know. Next time, let me be stupid for once" I said and he laughed before coughing. "I love you too" he laughed.

Maybe a chapter tomorrow, then the next will be on the 5th, then the 6th. Then, I'm most likely out of ideas XD. Thanks for reading guys, I'm surprised none of you have lost interest I these books considering it's almost been a whole year.

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