Chapter 13: The Accident

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Next Week
John's P.o.V

"Ready Jason?" I asked and he nodded. "What about you? Worried about breaking another bone?" He said grinning and I hit him. "You worried about me getting another trophy?" I asked and he chuckled. "Maybe one day if your kids come to this school, they might see it" he said and I smiled at the thought. "Come on boys, we're almost on" Coach Henry said as I took my glasses off. I started to put in my contacts as Jason said, "Well, we gotta impress our girls. They'll be watching us". I chuckled and put the other contact in, "Carrie is actually excited today. I told her that this team isn't very strong, and the strongest guy is too slow to catch me" I said and Jason smiled. "At least she won't be there, worried you might die or be crippled for life" Jason said as I put my glasses away and got out my glass photo of Carrie. I tucked it into my pocket and we went onto the field.

"Be careful John" Carrie said as I kissed her. "I'm always careful. Sometimes it's just not my fault" I said and she hit me gently. I looked over at Katie and Jason having a passionate French kiss, one that was lasting a little too long. I picked up the airhorn and used it, very close to them making Katie scream and jump into Jason's arms. Me and Carrie both started to laugh as Katie stood up and hit me. "What was that for John?!" She said, clearly mad and I chuckled. "We need your big, strong wolf" I said and Jason blushed slightly. "Bye Katie" he said and kissed her quickly then we ran over to everyone else. We huddled up and made the plan, the same as always. It never seemed to fail. "Team cheer!" Paul said and we all put our paws in the middle and raised them up. We looked at the other team, most of them didn't look like they could take us down, some did. Then he walked through. An Ox, at least 7ft. "He's gonna destroy us" Will said but I shook my head. He's strong but slow. He shouldn't catch me" I said, putting my mouth guard in. We all got in position and started playing.

As we reached half time, we were winning. We all huddled, I was congratulated. Usually the tactic is get everyone on the other team distracted, then get the ball to me. I'm one of the strongest and the second fastest runner on our team, our fastest wasn't the strongest. "Right, we keep doing this tactic, we shouldn't lose" Jason said and I looked at the other Carrie. She waved and gave me a thumbs up and I smiled back, and shaped my tail into a love heart in her direction. But the Ox caught my eye. He was staring dead at me before nodding. I shuddered slightly, a bad feeling growing in my head. "John?" Jason said and I looked at everyone else. Their paws were in the middle and I nodded putting my paw in and we cheered. "Let's go boys" Coach shouted and we got in position again.

I had the ball, I was running as fast as I could. I saw Carrie cheering. My team was cheering my name and I looked back and punched the air. But looking back I saw the Ox full on spiriting towards me. My eyes widened and my ears dropped but I couldn't move fast enough. Everything went in slow motion; Jason shouting my name, being picked up by the Ox and winded, being carried a few feet before forcefully thrown to the ground. I landed on my lower back, slightly to my right before my head was rammed hard into the ground and I passed out.

Carrie's P.o.V

I watched in horror as he picked John up, the ball flying from his paws and his mouth guard flying from his mouth. Watching him get carried before before thrown into the ground and the Ox tower over him. The Ox was cheered by his team, but John didn't move. The rest of Johns team ran over to him but he still didn't move. I sprinted towards him, tears welling up in my eyes. Jason was next to him on his knees. "John wake up!" He said as I skidded to a halt. I kneeled down, "John?" I said, worry and upset in my voice. He didn't respond and I started crying. "John!" I cried, "John please wake up!" I whimpered crying heavily and hugging him. The coach came over and tried to pull me off him but I didn't budge. The other team was disqualified by the referee and the match was ended. "John...please wake up" I said quietly as someone rubbed me back. I looked to see Jason and Katie came over holding something. She handed it to me, and it was a glass picture of me, but it was smashed. I cried and hugged her and Jason, as John was taken off on a stretcher.


"So, do you want the good news or the bad news?" The doctor said as I was hugging my mum, crying. I hadn't been this bad for years. "The bad news, let's get it out of the way" Zander, Johns dad, said, looking at John asleep. "The bad news is he has a broken hip" the doctor said before sighing, "And a severe spinal injury" he added and Phoebe, Johns mum, gasped and hugged Zander as I cried even harder. "Can he still walk?" Zander asked and the doctor nodded. "He can walk, he'll find difficulty for a few weeks... but he'll never run again" he said and I cried even harder, hugging mum even tighter. "He'll never run again?" Phoebe said, tears streaming down her face. "No. Running would cause him so much pain, as well as possibly disrupting everything we've done to allow him to walk. I'm sorry" he said and I ran and hugged Johns sleeping body. "How long will he be asleep?" Mum asked and the doctor looked at his notes, "Hell wake up soon, and he can leave when he does. He may need crutches to walk though Mr and Mrs Henshaw" the doctor said. "Thank you doctor. For everything" Phoebe said.

1 Week Later

"Carrie, you need to let go" John said but I didn't want to. "No! I won't" I said and he chuckled nuzzling me. "Come on Carrie, you have to let me try and walk" he said but I still refused. He sighed before tickling me making me giggle and let go. He started to walk slowly, not using his crutches. I watched him smiling, "Keep going" I said and he chuckled. "You're not my mum, Carrie" he said and I grinned evilly, thinking of something. "Well, I will be a mum soon" I said and he turned quickly, falling. "What?!" He said, shakily and slowly getting up and I laughed, "Tricked you John". He face palmed, "Wow Carrie. Just wow" he said and I smiled, walked over and kissed him. "One day I will be. I want to be a mum" I said hugging him. "You'd be a great mum. You're a born mother" he said and I rolled my eyes. "I told Katie I wasn't, and I'm not. I'm just..." I said and tried to think of an excuse but got nothing. He laughed, "Exactly. You are a born mother" he said and I sighed and kissed him. He kissed back and I took his glasses off. "Hey, I can't see without those! Give 'em back" he said reaching for them. It was a shame John couldn't see more than a few centimetres in front of his face without his glasses. When I first met him, I bumped into him knocking his glasses off. He couldn't find them so I picked them and handed them to him and it was love at first sight. I giggled, hiding them and he whined, "Carrie! This isn't funny! I can't see properly, everything is just a blur". I smiled and said, "You don't need to see when you're kissing me" and kissed him, clearly taking him by surprise. He kissed back and his paws explored my body, I thought to be teasing but he suddenly grabbed something and broke the kiss. He put his glasses back on and smiled, "That's better". I moaned, "You're no fun" I said and he chuckled. "It's not fun for me. I'm afraid to move, I think I might trip" he said and I giggled, kissing him again. "Sorry John" I said and he smiled. "Don't worry Carrie, I'll always love you".

Sorry that this chapter was absolute dog shit

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