Chapter 14: Danny

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3 1/2 months later
Emma's P.o.V

"Come on Emma. He's not gonna laugh at you" Katie said but I sighed hugging her tighter. "I've liked him for over a year Katie, but I just can't tell him" I said and she rubbed my back. "It's fine Emma, he may like you" Katie said but I shook my head. "Nobody likes me" I whined hugging her starting to cry. "Hey, hey. What do you mean? You've got me and Jace, you've got your friends" she said but I cried harder. "My friends all hate me" I cried and she hugged me tighter. "Why do they hate you?" She asked and I sniffed. "B-because I'm not as c-cool as them. I'm just a-a dork" I cried, breaking into tears again. "Oh Emma. I'm so sorry" Katie said, kissing my forehead. "Does he make fun of you?" She asked and I shook my head. "Then he shouldn't laugh when you confess your feelings. Trust me, he won't"  she said as the bell went. I sighed, standing up and she stood up with me. "You're 14 now Emma, don't worry" she said with a smile and I smiled back. "Okay, bye Katie" I said and left.

"Danny, I know it's weird but.... I-I like you" I blushed looking down and he smiled. He was gonna start laughing, I knew it but instead, he hugged me. "I love you too Emma" he said with a smile and I smiled back, surprised. "You do?" I asked and he responded by kissing me. I kissed back, hugging him tightly. "I love you so much Danny" I said before something hit my head.

I jerked up and everyone burst out laughing. Some people were pretending to kiss someone, others just saying, "Oh Danny, I love you Danny". I sniffed and welled up, not a single friendly face was in sight. "Sh-Shut up!" I shouted but they just laughed harder. "Shut up" I said quieter, trying my hardest not to cry. People threw paper balls at me, threw pencils, books, pencil cases. Anything. I just put my head down and cried hard, from the pain and from the bullies. Why does nobody like me? I thought to myself, when someone said, "Fuck me Danny! Fuck me with that big dick!" And I grabbed my bag and ran out the room. I was just fucking done with it, my life wasn't worth it. I ran up the stairs to the third floor, opened the window and looked down. "This is it Emma. This is what you've been building up to" I said, backing up. I closed my eyes and breathed out before running at the open window. But just before I could jump, I was tackled by someone. Within an instant, I reacted, "Get the fuck off me!" I screamed, punching them hard in the face repeatedly before they blocked one. I couldn't make out who it was because of the tears, just a grey blur. Until they spoke, "Emma, what were you thinking?!" Jason said and I gasped before hugging him. "T-Teddy Bear?" I whimpered, crying into him and he held me close. "Emma, what the hell were you thinking?!" Jason said, clearly angry but there was worry in his voice. "I'm sorry Teddy Bear" I cried and he sighed, "Let's just talk about it, okay?" He said and I nodded.

I told him everything, and he was madder than me. Holding my paw, he walked me back to my classroom and kicked the door open. Every head looked and worry spread like the plague across people. "You all better listen the fuck up! Your fucking little taking the kick almost made my sister jump out a fucking window, and fall 3 storeys to her death!" Jason shouted at everyone. "Now you fucking worthless pieces of trash better fucking apologise, or so help me, I will leave every single one of you limbless and drowning in the blood of everyone else!" He shouted and people cried, hugged each other, were frozen with fear. "Well?! I'm fucking waiting! And trust me, I'm not a patient guy!" Jason shouted. At once people started apologising to me. I just stood there, listening. People finished and Jason shouted, "Good! Next time, I won't be so fucking nice!". He hugged me before leaving, and I sat back down. Nobody disturbed me for the rest of the lesson.

After School

Jason and Katie were out on a date, and mum was working late so I had to walk home today. On the way, four guys from my maths lesson walked up to me and I was scared. "You fucking slut!" One said pushing me. "Getting your fucking brother to come tell us what to do! We'll show him!" Another said punching me. That set of a chain reaction of them all beating on me. I fell, crying and bleeding as they kept hitting me before someone shouted, "Leave her alone!". They stopped and we all looked to see Danny, making me blush. "Hey, Danny. How you been man?" One said as I got up slowly. "Go away Ben! All of you just leave. I'll finish her off!" Danny said with a grin and felt a part of me die. He hates me... like everyone else I though at my ears drooped and I hugged my tail crying.

Everyone left and Danny came over. He towered over me and I closed my eyes, squeezing my tail before I felt his arms wrap around me. "I'm so sorry Emma. I could get rid of them any other way" he said, his cute, soft French accent showing. I looked at him, "D-Danny. Please don't l-lie. Everyone hates me" I said and his ears drooped. "Well... not everyone Emma, there's your brother, his girlfriend, that Henshaw fella and his gal" he said and paused before adding, "A-and me". I looked up to see him blushing, a nervous smile trying to be there. "But I'm a nobody, a dork... a worthless collie" I said and he did nothing for a few seconds. I was about to let go when I felt him kiss my head. I blushed like crazy, looking up to see him blushing crimson. "M-Maybe I love you Emma..." He said, scratching the back of his head, extremely embarrassed. I was completely taken back, Danny Wild, the most popular boy in the year, likes me?! "D-Danny..." I started, lost for words and he sighed, "You don't feel the same way?" He asked. We were looking into each other's other, his beautiful, light blue eyes so I went for it. I kissed him, on the lips and it surprised him as he stumbled back slightly. His tail wrapped round me, it was so fluffy. He stroked my hair and I hugged him close, he was so hot, in both ways. He broke it and I looked at him, smiling. "Emma, do you want to-" he started but I cut him off. "I do! I have for over a year now!" I said, squealing inside with joy. He hugged me, kissing me again and I kissed back. I love him.

Bad? Yes. Boring? Yes. Short? Yes. My excuse? I'm kinda running low on the ideas. I'm sorry. I'll try and make the next few more interesting. I have an official announcement, there will only be 21 chapters in the book. That will make it the shortest, but if I didn't, I wouldn't have enough ideas to finish it. Sorry guys.

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