Chapter 8: Schools Still Boring

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1 Month Later
Jason's P.o.V

"Hey Jace, guess what today is" Katie said sitting on my lap. I tried to think, but came up with nothing. "I dunno, what is today?" I said smiling and her smile sort of dipped. "You don't remember?" She said, slight sadness in her voice making me feel bad. "It's not an anniversary of us, it's not my birthday.... It's not yours is it?" I asked and she sighed sadly which made me start to hate myself. "It is, isn't it?" I said and she nodded and I instantly hated myself. How did you forget your own girlfriends birthday?! Twat! I shouted at myself in my head. I hugged her tightly, "I'm sorry Katie. I'm a bad boyfriend" I said and she's kissed me. I kissed back still feeling horrible. She broke it and looked at me with loving eyes, "Don't worry Jace, it's not your fault" she said but I shook my head. "It is. I thought it was next month, I'm an idiot" I said but she put a finger to my lips, and whispered in my ear, "It is". I tilted my head confused as a grin crept across her face and I realised. "Oh my god, you little liar!" I said and she burst out laughing. "I got you Jace!" She laughed and I chuckled. "That wasn't funny, I felt terrible" I said but couldn't help but laugh at how stupid I was. "You're laughing, so it was funny" she said and I sighed. "Sometimes you just make me feel like Freddy, tall, strong idiot" I said and she laughed. "Sorry Jace" she said kissing me on the cheek. I nuzzled her making her giggle then picked her up bridal style, standing up. "Ooh, my big strong wolf is showing off again" she said snuggling against me and I chuckled, "It's not exactly like you're heavy" I said and she slapped me. "What was that for? I wasn't insulting you" I said and she giggled. "Getting you back from the amount of times you've slapped me" she said. "I don't slap you at a-" I started before realising what she meant, more specifically where. "Oh, yeah..." I blushed embarrassed making her laugh. "Exactly, now let's go to class" she said and I walked off with her in my arms.

English was always the same; walk in and sit down, get out our books and pens, do the starter, listen to Mr Jones talk for ages, most likely about Shakespeare, do writing tasks unto the bell finally goes. Today was different. As people walked in Mr Jones, a lion in his early 20s, gave us a smile. "Hello everyone, today we're gonna do something a little different" he said as I walked in with Katie still in my arms. "We'll start with Romeo putting Juliet down. I'm sure her legs are working" he said, gesturing over to us. Everyone looked and me and Katie both blushed and I put her down. "Thank you Mr King. Now, what we are going to do today is we're going to..." He said stopping as I sat in my seat and Katie sat on my lap making me blush slightly. "In fact, you guys can choose. What do you want to do? We can watch a movie, or we can all continue reading the script of Romeo and Juliet" he said and everyone groaned. "But! You guys can be the readers. Actors really. So, for example, Jason could read all the lines for Romeo and Katie could read all the lines for Juliet" he said and we both blushed again making everyone laugh. "So, movie or embarrassing Jason and Katie?" Mr Jones said and I crossed my fingers, hoping people would say movie. Lots of people said movie so Mr Jones put on Romeo and Juliet making people groan. "Stop moaning, you wanted this" Mr Jones said and I felt Katie making herself more comfortable on my lap making me blush slightly. I nuzzled her neck and she giggled quietly. "I love you Jace" she said kissing me. I kissed back and heard people wolf whistle around the class but ignored them until Mr Jones coughed. "Want us to just go outside while you two make out?" He said and we broke it and I shook my head. Mr Jones chuckled and kept teaching and I wrapped my tail round Katie's and my arms around her. "You're so soft Jace. Like a big fluffy cloud" she said and I chuckled kissing her head. "You're a big puppy" I said making her smile, and we watched the movie which was quite boring.

"And because President Hoover was shown to do nothing about The Great Depression, he was shown as a villain throughout America" Jamie said, and looked over at Mr Marigold who finished writing on a piece of paper on his desk. "Good work Mr Anderson, you may sit back down now" he said to Jamie, who nodded and started to collect his stuff. I looked at Max who was looking at Jamie with want. "Just talk to him Maxy, he won't hate you" I whispered to Max who sat up blushing. "Talk to who? What are you talking about?" He said quickly making me chuckle. "You know fully well Maxy. Jamie won't hate you if you talk to him" I said but Max shook his head. "I'd get nervous and freak out which would Oh my god, he's coming over!" Max said hiding his face with his right paw and resting his elbow on his desk so Jamie wouldn't see him. I grinned and pushed Max's books to the floor just as Jamie walked past. "Hey, you dropped your stuff" Jamie said, bending over to pick them up. Max blushed brightly looking at him bending over and I whispered, "Give him a smack, before I do for you". He looked at me and hissed, "Don't you dare Jason!" as Jamie stood up and put the books on the desk. "Th-Thank y-you J-Jamie" Max stuttered and I held back laughing. "You're welcome Maxy" he said going to his seat. Max instantly hit me, hard. "Hey, that hurt!" I said rubbing my arm. "I don't care! Do you know how fucking nervous I feel right now?!" He said slightly loud. "Quiet Mr Hope!" Mr Marigold said. "Sorry sir" Max said looking forward. I grinned and whispered in his ear, "Max Hopes he can get some horse di-" before he slapped me across the face. "Shut up Jason!" He said making me chuckle. I left him alone after that, it's fun to tease him but there's always gotta be a limit. I just sat there paying attention and drinking from my water bottle, This water tastes slightly off I thought, drinking out my bottle. I shrugged it off and continued with the lesson. History seemed to be lasting forever before the bell finally went. "Thank god" I said but the bell kept going, in a different pattern. "That's strange, there wasn't meant to be a drill until next week. Alright everyone, to the field!" Mr Marigold said and people cleared out. I knew what it was. It was the fire alarm.

What's this? Could this mean daily uploads? No probably not. I will try, but there is no promising. I may even purposely stop uploading so this timeline make a bit more sense, you'll understand later. Thanks for reading guys and I know I'm really late but thanks for 2k views on Never Alone Again. See you soon.

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