Chapter 4: Night Terrors

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1 Month Later
Jason's P.o.V

It had been a month now, and the best month of my entire life. I fucking love Katie with everything in my heart. She is currently round mine for a sleepover. "So do you want to sleep in my bed, Cookie?" I asked but she shook her head and smiled. "Not if you're not in it with me" she grinned and I blushed. "Wouldn't that be weird Katie? We've only been dating for a month" I said and she sighed. "But I love cuddling you, I never want to stop, even when I go to sleep" she said and I chuckled. "Alright, just let me know what's alright or too weird" I said, taking off my shirt. She was in her pyjamas, her shirt said, 'Sleepy Puppy'. I hugged her from behind and kissed her cheek softly and she breathed out, "I love you" she said quietly. "You know, you look pretty sexy in these pyjamas" I said and she blushed. "Don't Jace" she smiled and I let go. We got into my bed and I wrapped my arm around her and nuzzled her hair. "I love you so much Katie" I whispered in her ear and she giggled. "Aww, you're so sweet" she said, kissing me on the lips softly. "So, what do you want to do Cookie?" I asked and she shrugged before she yawned like a puppy. "Want to go to sleep...Sexy" I said grinning and she hit me gently. "Shut up Jace" she said and I chuckled and kissed her. We lay down next to each other and I turned off my beside lamp, then closed my eyes. I felt her arm wrap reach over me and she suddenly rolled onto me. "Katie" I said and she giggled. "What?" She said and I sighed. "Goodnight Sexy" I said and she slapped me gently. "Goodnight Jace" she said and I kissed her head and wrapped my tail around her before going to sleep.

"No, leave him alone!" Mum screamed, pulling at his arm. "Get off me you stupid bitch" he said, slapping mum hard across the face. He walked over to me as my ears drooped in fear, before he hit me hard in my muzzle. He drank more from his bottle and kicked me in the stomach and I started to cry. "You fucking retard! This will teach you not to fight at school!" He shouted at me, kicking me again. Mum hit him but he turned and punched her in the gut. "Now where's that bitch Emma?!" He growled and I got up and ran at him. I punched him in the gut but he picked me up by the head before ramming my head hard into the kitchen counter. "You little shit! Hit me again and I will kill you!" He growled as I lay there, blood pouring out of my head. "You monster! He's only 8 years old!" Mum screamed, punching him. "Emma, get your fucking arse down here right now!" He shouted, punching mum again in the muzzle and I heard her run out her room and onto the balcony. "Yes Daddy?" She asked. "Get the fuck down here right now, you little shit!" Dad growled and she obeyed. "Now, close your ey-" dad started reaching for a bat before Emma saw me, mum holding my head. "Teddy Bear!" She said, running over and hugging me. "Emma, get back over here right fucking now!" Dad said, drinking more from his bottle. "No Emma, stay away from him" mum said but dad pulled Emma away from us and punched her hard in her face, then stomach, then kicked her in the muzzle. "That's for not listening to me you little piece of shit!" Dad shouted as Emma lay bleeding and crying on the floor. "Get the fuck out of my house and away from my children!" Mum screamed, getting up and pushing dad towards the door before it was kicked down. I crawled over to Emma, seeing our neighbour, Mr Green grab my dad and knock him out. "Are you alright Rose?" He asked, hugging my mum as I hugged Emma. I saw my dad reach for his bottle and eye me up before it went black.

I jolted up instantly, absolutely terrified. I hung my head in my paws and cried from the memories, the horrible memories. Katie had rolled off me in her sleep so I got up and walked out my room. I went to Emma's room and saw her asleep still but walked over and woke her up. "E-Emma" I whimpered as she sat up. She turned on her bedside lamp and  rubbed her eyes before looking at me, seeing the tears streaming down my face. "Teddy Bear, what's wrong?" She asked, hugging me as I hugged her back crying. "D-Dad, the memories o-of him" I whimpered, crying harder. Her grip tightened around me as she went through almost as much as I did, so the mention of his name would scare her. "We should tell mummy" Emma said as I heard the door creak and looked to see Katie standing there. "What's wrong Jace?" She asked, walking over and hugging me too. I didn't respond, just kept crying as Emma answered, "He says he had a dream about our dad". Katie kissed me and said, "I'm sorry for your loss Jace, but he'll always be in here" pointing at my heart but I shook my head. "K-Katie, he was abusive. He attacked-*sniff*-m-me and Emma on a daily-*sniff*-basis for 8 ye-years until our-*sniff*-neighbour, Mr Green, fo-found out and-*sniff*-and got him arrested" I whined crying heavier as she hugged me tighter. "Oh god Jason, I'm so sorry" Katie said quietly, nuzzling my cheek. "He-*sniff*-He's always here" I said, pointing at my head, "Always tormenting me" I added, crying more as Katie brushed my hair out my eyes. "Jason, was the scar on your head because of him?" She asked and I nodded. "He rammed-*sniff*-my head into the kitchen-*sniff*-counter" I cried as the light turned on. Mum was in the doorway in her dressing gown. "What's all this about?" She asked, clearly agitated from being woken up. "He says he had a dream...actually more of a nightmare about his dad" Katie said and mum sighed and came over. "Hey" she said lifting my chin up. "He's gone now sweetie, we'll never see him again, not with our last names changed and living about 20 miles away now" she said calmly, kissing my forehead. "Come downstairs, we'll have a talk, try and get him out of your head and then, you can go back to sleep, sweetheart" she said very calmly and lovingly and I sniffed and nodded. "Emma, you go back to sleep and Katie, you can either come down and try and help or stay up here and get some sleep" mum said as we walked out of Emma's room, letting her go back to sleep. "I'll wait in Jason's room" Katie said and went in my room as me and mum walked downstairs.


I woke up with Katie hugging me still. I kissed her head and she opened her beautiful blue eyes and looked at me. "Sorry, didn't mean to wake you Cookie" I said but she smiled. "Don't worry Jace. Are you feeling better after last night?" She asked and I sighed. "No, not really. You see all these pictures about happy kids with their dads, building things, camping, goofing around. But I never had that. I had a dad who was always drunk and attacked me, Emma and mum" I said, tears rolling down my cheeks, clumping my fur together. Katie wrapped her tail round me and I smiled slightly, "Well, it's like your mum said, he's gone now. He'll never find you" she said and I nodded. "Yeah, I guess. Thanks Katie" I said, kissing her on the lips. "So, let's go downstairs and get some breakfast" she said and I nodded. We stood up and she held my paw as we walked out my room and downstairs. We walked into the kitchen and I got out sausages, bacon, eggs and beans. "Making a full English breakfast, are we Jace?" Katie said and I nodded. I started to cook and she helped which only led to us messing around a bit. When it was cooked we put it on plates, sat down at the table and started to eat. "So what would you like to do today Jace?" Katie asked and I shrugged, "Movie maybe?" I said and she smiled. "That sounds amazing, I've heard of a movie that came out near the beginning of the month, which is apparently really funny. I've been wanting to watch it with you Jace" she said and I smiled. "Okay, what's it called?" I asked and ate some beans. "The Mighty Ducks. Carrie said its really funny" she said and I nodded. "Yeah, that should be fine" I said and we kept eating.

Any good? I feel like the abusive father was too much but you never know with them. But anyway, thanks for reading guys, see you later.

Love Mends Any Wound(Straight Furry Fanfiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant