Chapter 11: You Fucking Bitch!!!

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1 Month Later
Katie's P.o.V

Jason hadn't been at school for the past few days, which worried me to hell until I went round and found out he just had a eye infection. Of course I hugged him and cried, upset and still really worried. He told me it should clear up in a couple weeks. I was talking to Kim, well I say talking, I was in front of her thinking about Jason. "Katie!" Kim said and I snapped back into reality. "Huh, yeah?" I said and she rolled her eyes. "You haven't been listening to me have you?!" She said, folding her arms, clearly slightly ticked off. "No, I haven't sorry. I'm just so worried about Jace" I said and she got madder clearly. "Jeez, do you ever stop talking about him?!" She said loudly, anger clearly in her voice. I was slightly shocked, "Why would I stop? He's my boyfriend" I said and she growled. "And he would ha-" she started cutting herself off. I tilted my head confused slightly, "He would have what?". "Nothing!" She said pointing and I noticed something on her left arm. "Hey what's that?" I asked, quickly lifting her sleeve. She smacked my paw off and pulled it down, but I saw what it was. It was scars, but they were claw marks. I stood quietly, piecing things together before realising, going wide eyed and gasping. "You set fire to the school! You almost killed Jason!" I shouted and she sighed looking down. I started to growl, wanting to rip her fucking head off before she started chuckling. I stopped growling, slightly scared and confused as she applauded.

"Well, you figured it out. Guess now, you have to die" she said quickly grabbing something from her pocket, spinning it round her fingers and downwards thrusting it towards me. Thankfully, I have quick reflexes and grabbed her wrist, seeing it was a butterfly knife. "Why Kim?! What did Jason do to you?!" I said, struggling to keep the knife from actually touching me. She grunted, trying to stab me, "Because he was dating you!" She said, shocking me and confusing me. I let my guard down and the knife went into my left shoulder a bit luckily but still made me scream and pull it out. I punched her then grabbed the knife' throwing it to the ground. "What the fuck are you talking about?!" I shouted, holding my shoulder. "I fucking love him! And he doesn't love me!" She shouted, upset. "So you tried to kill him and his sister?!" I shouted back, clenching my fist with rage. "If I can't have him, no one can!" She shouted and ran at me tackling me to the ground. I went to block my face but instead, she started to punch my stab wound, extremely hard making me scream in pain. My left arm was useless as moving it hurt so I tried to punch off me with my right but she didn't seem fazed by it. She pinned my arm down with her foot and glared at me, rage clear as day and my blood dripping off her face. I glared back, but with blood on the bottom left of my face and tears in my eyes. "Do you want to know the pain I felt?!" She screamed, held up three fingers before thrusting them into my wound making me scream louder and in more pain. She spread her fingers apart, opening the wound more as well as digging deeper with her claws as I cried. "Please stop..." I whimpered, tears streaming down my face. "Why would I stop?! I've only scratched the surface of my pain!" She shouted, grabbing the knife and went to stab my right shoulder before being tackled off me. "Katie, are you alright?!" I heard and looked to see Stan with Max, and heard punching. Before I could reply, I heard a yell of pain and looked to see John, with the knife protruding from the left side of his back. He was thrown off and Kim got up, the most psychotic look on her face. Considering Stan was helping me, and Max wasn't exactly strong, I thought it was the end before, out of nowhere there was screaming and suddenly Kim was tackled by Carrie. "Leave my baby alone you fucking bitch!" She screamed beating the shit out of her. I know Carrie well, and she can really, really hurt if she's angry. I saw blood fly from Kim as Carrie kept beating her, screaming loudly with rage before John pulled her off, hugging her. "Calm down sweetie, I'm okay" he said calmly, but his face showed he was in pain. Kim moved and John kicked her hard in the face making her going limp. "Come on Katie, we need to get you and John to reception. Well, hospital to be more precise" Stan said, helping me to my feet.

2 Days Later

Jason went absolutely fucking berserk after finding out what Kim had done, to him and to me. What really shocked him was when he found out who beat the fuck out of her. "Carrie?!" He said, shocked and scratching his eyepatch as Carrie nodded. I swatted his paw away from eye, "Don't itch it! The doctor told you not to!" I said. "Sorry Katie. Just itches" he said. "So yeah. I beat the fuck out of that bitch for stabbing my baby" Carrie said kissing John. "Thanks sweetie" he said kissing back and I giggled thinking of something. They broke their little kiss and looked at me, "What are you giggling at?" Carrie asked as Jason's arms wrapped round me and he nuzzled my neck.  "Are you going to be that protective of your little Tommy?" I asked making Carrie blush, embarrassed slightly and Jason chuckle. "Of course she will. I will too. And our little Derek, if we get two little boys" John said and Carrie looked at him. "Finally decided on a name if we had two?" She said and John nodded. "But if we had a girl, it would have to be Katie" John said, smiling warmly at me making me feel happy inside. "You'd name your little girl after me?" I asked and John nodded. "If we have one. You've been my best friend for years Katie" he said and I smiled. "Well, if me and this lovable wolfie have kids, specifically boys, the top three names I've got now are, John, Evan if it's a wolf and Bruno if it's a fox" I said and Jason chuckled. "I wasn't even consulted on this" he said and I kissed him. "Sorry Jace" I said and he kissed me. "If it's a girl, Carrie, Katherine or... Comet" Jace said and Carrie laughed slightly. "What's with girl names beginning with C or K?" She said and Jason shrugged. "Carrie because you're a great friend, Katherine because it's a cute name, and I could call her Kathy and Comet because... I don't know really. Just a cute name" he said and I smiled. "It's usually the cutest girls who's names start with C or K" John said and I nodded. "Yeah. Me and Carrie are prime examples" I said and he nodded. "Anyway Jace. You know what it is in a couple months right?" I asked and he thought about it before smiling warmly and nodding. "Yes I do. And I can't wait" he said and we snuggled against each other as John and Carrie looked at us clearly confused. "What is it?" Carrie said and I giggled. "Well, it's..."

No spoilers. But if you're a long(very long) time fan of the Henshaw trilogy, and/or have a great memory, you should remember. There will definitely be a chapter tomorrow, very special day. It won't be out until late, rockpools are out in the morning so I'm going to be there, and by the time the tides come in far enough for it to be too dangerous to stay there, the sun will be directly on my tent so it'll be boiling hot. I'm gonna shut the fuck up now, see ya later!

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