Chapter 20: Happily Married

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1 Year Later
Jason's P.o.V

Me and Katie were married, so we're John and Carrie and Stan and Marie. Stan had brought a massive mansion downtown, John and Carrie had brought a small house to live in and me and Katie had brought a small bungalow to live in. "Jesus Katie, calm down" I said and she rushed around, sorting out everything to make it perfect. "I can't calm down! I haven't seen John or Carrie in months! Then out of nowhere it's just 'Hey, can we come over for some tea?'" She said and I just chuckled as she ran in front of me. I grabbed her, pulling her on to the sofa with me making her giggle. I kissed her, feeling her arms wrap around me before the doorbell rang. She instantly broke it, "Oh my god! They're here! They're early! Does my hair look okay?! Is everything perfect?!" She said, clearly stressing making me laugh. "Don't worry, it's not like the queen is visiting" I said, getting up and walking over to the door. I opened it and Carrie was there, smiling. "Hi Carrie, where's John?" I asked, giving her a friendly hug. "He's coming, just give him a minute" Carrie said walking in.

We talked for a couple minutes before I heard the door close. "Oh, so John is finally here" I said. "You're getting old John!" I called down the hall and heard him laugh. "You've seen nothing yet" he said as Carrie stood up and John walked in. He had something in his arms, but I couldn't tell what it was. "Well, I think we've kept this little secret long enough" John said smiling and Carrie giggled slightly. "Katie, Jason. Say hello to Derek Henshaw" John said, showing us a little brown husky pup, sleeping and sucking his thumb. Katie gasped and hugged Carrie, I just smiled. "Man, you are getting old John" I said and he laughed. "Shut up Jason" he said and I got up and looked at Derek as Katie cried tears of joy for them. He was a brown husky, with 2 shades of brown fur, brown hair, and absolutely adorable. "He's so cute John. I think Carrie must be cheating on you" I said and he chuckled as Carrie hit me gently, "I have not Jason. And I never, ever will!" She said and I rolled my eyes, "I was joking Carrie" I said and she smiled. "I know you were. Now, I wasn't lying, I would like some tea" she said and I chuckled. "I'll go make some, you sit down" I said, going to the kitchen.

"So, when are you and Jason gonna try?" John asked as I came back in, seeing Katie cradling Derek. "Try what?" I said, handing out tea. "For kids silly. You know Katie wants one at least" Carrie said but me and Katie haven't discussed properly the subject of kids. "Oh, umm..." I said, sitting down next to Katie. "Well, we haven't properly talked about it, we've both said that we want kids, but neither of us have actually decided for definite if we should" Katie said and I nodded. "Yeah, exactly. We haven't talked properly about it, so we don't know yet" I said before a thought popped into my head. "Hey, what about Stan and Marie? You asked told them yet?" I asked but they shook their heads. "You were much closer, so we cam here first. We're going to see them next" John said and I nodded. "Hay Carrie, a question" Katie said and Carrie nodded. "How many kids are you ready to pop out to get your little Tommy?" Katie said making me laugh slightly at a stupid thought. "Katie, I'm willing to have a million kids if it means I can get a little Tommy" Carrie said and John gulped. "Oh, ummm, I don't think I'm ready for that many kids. To be honest, I want to wait a few years before we try for another, just so we have practice with one" he said and Carrie nodded, kissing him. "Okay baby, but know that I will get my Tommy" Carrie said drinking her tea.

"Bye guys, it was lovely seeing you and Derek" I said waving as they left and closed the door. I went back to the living room where Katie was. She had turned on the to and snuggled under a blanket. "What have we here?" I asked and she chuckled, "I want to watch a movie, is that alright?" She asked and I nodded, getting under the blanket, pulling her on top of me and nuzzling her. "So what are we watching?" I asked and she giggled, "The Pink Panther Strikes Again. My mum showed it to me, and it's really funny. Trust me" she said kissing me. I kissed back, wrapping my tail round her. "Okay, let's watch then" I said, turning it on. We watched it, I was slightly confused because I hadn't seen any other ones but it was funny. When it finished, Katie was asleep on me and I chuckled, turning off the light. I kissed her head, "Goodnight Cookie, I love you" I said closing my eyes and falling asleep.

5 Years Later

"Well, I'm on my way to getting £100" Katie said as we looked at Emily and Tom asleep next to each other. "They're both so adorable, aren't they?" Carrie said and I nodded. "Yeah, they really are. They're really cute" I replied as stand coughed, "Well, there is a reason we asked you two here" he said. Katie nodded, "Yeah Stan?". "We want you two to...well... kinda be a bridge between our 2 families" John said confusing me, and Katie ticketed her head slightly. "Huh?" She asked and Marie giggled, "We'd like you guys to kind of act like Emily's and Tom's Uncle and Aunt, considering me and John are only children, Carrie's sister lives in France and Stan has like 3 brothers in America" she said and I nodded. Me and Katie looked at each other, "Do you wanna?" I asked and she smiled nodding. "Of course we will. Anything for our friends" Katie said and everyone smiled, "Thank you both so much for this. I'm glad we're getting even closer, like one big happy family" Stan said and me and John both said "Shut up you great big mummy" in unison making Carrie, Marie and Katie laugh. "Oh screw all of you" Stan chuckled as Marie kissed him. "So, no more kids from any of you guys?" Katie asked. Carrie shook her head, "Nope. I've got my two little boys. But more importantly, I've got my Tommy" she said. "And I've got my Emily. That and me and Stan have 3 kids now, we don't need another" Marie said and Stan grinned, "We're just waiting on the little King to join this great big-" Stan started but me and John cut him off again with the same insult. "Fine, I won't say it again. Group of friends" he chuckled and I nodded, "That's better. And maybe one day. But we still don't have a name for either gender" Katie said but Carrie smiled and said, "Well, I'm sure me and Marie will help you choose a girl name, and the boys can help Jason choose a boys name" she said and Katie just had a warm smile. "Thank you guys, so much. For everything. We are both honoured to be the stand in uncle and aunt for Emmy and Tommy" I said. "Well, we thank you. And let's have a drink, to this everlasting friendship" John said, holding up his glass. We al clinked, "To an everlasting friendship" everyone said and drank. Yes, I hope it will be.

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