Chapter 17: A Much Needed Apology

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2 Months Later
Katie's P.o.V

Prom. If my parents hadn't forced me to, I wouldn't be wearing this stupid dress I thought, rolling my eyes and getting out with Carrie. "Thanks mum" Carrie said and her waved and drove off. I saw Jason standing talking to John, both had their backs to us. Jason was in a grey suit and John was wearing a black suit. I grinned and looked at Carrie. We nodded at each other and snuck up behind them. I counted down with my fingers, 3,2,1 "BOO!" we both screamed loudly making Jason scream but John just turned. "I'm sorry, did you say something?" He said and Carrie groaned as I giggled at Jason who was panting. "You're no fun John" Carrie said and kissed him as I lifted Jason's chin. "Gotcha" I grinned and he chuckled. "Yes, you really did. You're gonna give me a heart attack one day Cookie" he said and I laughed and kissed him. "I'd never do that to you" I said, taking his paw. "That dress is stunning by the way" he said and I groaned. "I hate it. It's too tight" I said, still trying to loosen it. "Here, let me" he said and started to loosen it for me. "You seen John's suit? Black trousers, black jacket, white shirt and cyan tie" he said and I giggled. "It's like Carrie's dad in a suit" I said making Jason laugh as he loosened it enough. "That's enough, thank you Jace" I said and kissed him. "Any day Cookie" he replied and we went inside following John and Carrie.

"So, who do you think is playing?" Jason asked and I shrugged. "I hope it's not like a boy band, I hate those" I replied as we were finally able to enter. On the stage was, to my surprise 'Muffin', the fox from that bar. He was on stage with a different husky but they were in the dark and I couldn't make out the colours, a blue fox and a white wolf. "Is that?" Jason asked and I nodded. "That's Muffin" I answered and he chuckled. "Then umm... the husky should be round here somewhere"  he said and looked around. "Maybe. He'll be backstage most likely" I said as they started to play. "Would you like to dance Miss Williams?" Jason asked me and I giggled cutely. "Of course I would, Mr King" I said, leading him to the dance floor and dancing with him.

After about half an hour of dancing, we stopped and took a breather. We order some drinks and sat down, me on Jason's lap. "God I love you so much Katie" he said, nuzzling me and I giggled. "I love you too Jason. I hope that you'll propose to me before I propose to you" I said making him chuckle. "I'll avoid being around a large group of people until I propose then, so you don't embarrass me too much if you propose to me" he said making me laugh and hit him gently. "Shut up" I said and he grinned. "You know how to shut me up" he said and I grinned back, turned to face him and passionately kissed him, stroking the back on his head as his tail wrapped round me. I kissed him harder before something hit my head. I broke it and looked to see Carrie, "Maybe a bit too into it Katie. Someone's pitching a tent"  she said and I looked at Jason's trousers. "So someone is" I giggled and Jason blushed brightly. I moved back so his embarrassing erection was in front of my crotch, hidden.

Carrie came and sat next to us, "So, having a good night you two?" She asked and we both nodded. "You've got a beautiful dress Carrie" Jason said, looking at her turquoise silk dress. "Yeah, it was my mums. If I have a daughter, I'd let her wear it to prom. Or my first born son just to embarrass him" Carrie said making me and Jason laugh. "Where's John?" Jason asked and Carrie sighed. "In the bathroom. That's something the doctors forgot to mention, he'd struggle with it for months" she said ears drooping making me upset. "I'm so sorry that happened to John. But it's not your fault, it was a desperate team trying to win by taking out the best player on the opposing team" I said and Carrie nodded but sniffed, she was clearly about to cry. "But-But he was nearly c-crippled for life" she blubbered, tears rolling down her cheeks, clumping the black and cyan fur together. I got off Jason and hugged her, as she started to cry. "Shh, shh. It's alright Carrie. The mean Ox is gone" I said and Jason looked confused. "He's not. That meanies not gone" Carrie blubbered, sounding like a child. "Shh baby. It's alright. He won't hurt your Johnny again" I calmly said, embracing what seemed to be my inner mother. "He will. He always hurts my Johnny. Every night" Carrie said, literally crying like a child as I held her close and stroked her hair. "No baby. It's just a bad dream. That big meanie is not gonna hurt you're Johnny ever again" I said calmly and kissed her forehead. She sniffed, "Really?" She said, her eyes looked horrible and her eye make-up streaming down her face. I nodded, kissing her forehead again and she snuggled closely against me. "Thank you" she said as I kept stroking her hair calmly. "What's going on?" Someone said and I looked up to see John. I didn't say anything, just nudged Jason, and gave him a look to tell him to go tell John everything.

John came and sat next to Carrie, "Carrie? It's Johnny" he said and Carrie looked, before hugging him instantly. "The big meanie is gone baby, don't worry" he said as I took Jason away. "What was all that about?" He asked and I sighed. "Well, you remember what happened with John months ago, the spinal injury he received from that 7ft Ox?" I said and Jason nodded. "Carrie... well... she's been having nightmares a lot since it happened. She keeps remembering that Ox hurting John, but each time it gets worse, and John gets more hurt. First a spinal injury, then a broken leg as well, then serious brain damage, and so on" I said and Jason ears drooped. "When she remembers what happens, she becomes more of blubbering child. She calls the Ox, 'The big meanie Ox' and John, 'Johnny'. You can really only get through to her by calling her baby, like a mother would, and talking calmly, reassuring her that 'The big meanie Ox' is gone and that he won't hurt her 'Johnny'" I said and he nodded. "Okay, makes a lot more sense...." He said and sighed, "But poor Carrie. I know what it's like, reliving horrific memories in dreams" he added and I hugged him. "But at least they're both over, your dads in a maximum security prison, John can't play rugby, and I highly doubt that the Ox is gonna look for him and hurt him again" I said. "You know, he's actually here tonight. He's interested in Candy, the horse" Jason said. "Do you think if we got him to apologise to John, Carrie would stop all this?" I asked and he shrugged, "Maybe. I'll go look for him" He said and walked off. I went back over to John and told him what we were gonna try to do.

Jason came back with the Ox after about 10 minutes. I was impatiently tapping my foot, "What took so long?!" I said. "They played some Green Day, I wanted to listen to it" Jason said as the Ox walked over to John and Carrie. Carrie looked and instantly screamed, "He's gonna hurt my Johnny again! Keep the big meanie Ox away!" She screamed, terrified but John hugged her, kissing her. "Calm down baby. He's not here to hurt your Johnny" John calmly said. The Ox drooped his ears and held his hooves over together. "I'm sorry I didn't try and find you before. I wanted to apologise, to both of you. My team told me I would be kicked off if I didn't, I'm so sorry" he said and Carrie looked up at him. "I am so sorry I've given you nightmares Carrie. And John, I'm sorry for almost crippling you" he said and John smiled, "It's cool. What do you say Carrie?" John said and Carrie just gave a slight nod. "I promise, I'll make it up to you John. I was thinking of being a PE teacher so, whatever school your kids or grandkids go to, I'll make sure to be there and watch out for them as best I can, but I will bring justice if they break rules" he said, ears lifted and a warm smile on his face. John smiled back and said, "Do you hear that Carrie? He said he'll look out for our kids, and grandkids" John said and Carrie nodded and kissed John. "Thank you... Uh?.." John said and the Ox smiled, "Peter, Peter Heart" the Ox said smiling. "Well, thank you Peter. Or should I call you Mr heart if your interested in becoming a PE teacher?" Johns aid and there was chuckles from a few of us. "Well, I'm glad I got that cleared up. Thank you Jason for telling me. Now, have you seen Candy? She wanted to tell me something" Peter said and I remembered seeing her outside by a tree. "Yeah, she's outside. Better not keep her waiting" I said and he smiled and thanked me, leaving. "Nice fellow, when he isn't charging you head on"John said and Carrie sat up. "He won't hurt you anymore John?" She asked and John shook his head. "No, I think we'll be good friends with him in fact Carrie" John smiled and kissed Carrie. "Thanks Jason" I said and kissed him. "No problem Cookie" he replied and kissed back.

Let's see how many people realise it

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