Chapter 18: The Perfect Ring

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2 Months Later
John's P.o.V

School was finally over. Jason hadn't shut his fucking mouth up about how glad he was. That was, until me and Carrie taped his mouth shut. I chuckled at the memory of him trying to pull it off without ripping any fur out. I walked into the jewellers and Bertie's dad was behind the counter, Bertie next to him. "Oh hi John!" Bertie said, waving and his dad coughed. "Ahh. Another customer. Bert! Get back to work" he said and Bertie sighed. "Yes dad" he said going behind the curtain. "Good to see ya Bertie!" I called after him and walked up to the counter. "So, what is it you are interested in young man?" Bertie's dad asked me. "Uhh... an engagement ring" I said as Bertie walked out with a box. "An engagement ring?! Ooh, dad can help him, please?" Bertie said and his dad sighed. "Bertie, you ha-" his dad started but Bertie interrupted him. "Come on! I need to learn this for when I work here, and you're retired. Plus, me and John are friends" he added and I smiled, but was kinda embarrassed because I felt like the centre of attention, all this was about me after all. Bertie's dad sighed and nodded, before coughing. Bertie's face lit up, brighter than I'd ever seen before. "Thank you dad!" He said, giving him a quick hug.

Bertie showed me a whole bunch of rings, some were very beautiful, some were not. Some had a reasonable price, some were complete rip-offs. I sighed, my ears drooping, "No Bertie. None of these are right for Carrie" I said and Bertie's dad coughed, in the 'look at me' way, not because of his lung cancer. I looked over and he was looking at me with beady eyes. "I'm getting fed up with you, young man. My son has shown you so many beautiful rings, most hand crafted here. But you've declined them all! You're too picky of a customer, I'd like you out of my shop!" He said in his gruff voice and my ears drooped lower than ever before, my shoulders slumped, and I felt really upset inside. "Please Mr Prince. This place is the only place in town that had rings within my price range" I said, desperately fighting back the tears. "I don't care, clearly there is not a single ring here that would fit your liking. Get out!" Bertie's dad said and I turned to head to the door. "Wait! I have an idea" Bertie said and I turned to look at him. "Come on, follow me" he said, grabbing my paw and pulling me, too quickly making me yelp as pain shot up my back. "Bertie! I can't run!" I said and he let go quickly, slowing me down. "Oh shit sorry John, I forgot" he chuckled and led me behind the curtain. Behind was lots of boxes and some kind of forge. "Now, what ring do you think Carrie would like?" Bertie said and I realised what he was planning. "Umm... a gold ring, about 6 aqua marines, 2 emeralds and about 10 jets" I said and he chuckled. "You making it her fur colours?" He asked and I nodded. "Think she'll like it?" I asked and he nodded, unbuttoning his smart shirt revealing his work tank top and abs. "Jesus! Look at Mr Muscular over here" I said making him blush. "Stand back John, don't want you getting burnt" he said and started working.

"Done" he said finally. I had almost fallen asleep in the chair I was sitting in. "Can I see it?" I asked eagerly, standing up and walking over. He nodded, putting it in my paws, it was still luke warm. I looked at it, and it was just perfect. "It's absolutely perfect Bertie! Thank you!" I said hugging him but let go quickly. "Sorry" I said, feeling quite awkward now. He laughed slightly, "No problem. Now, let's see" he said, looking at things on a clipboard. His ears drooped slightly and I got slightly worried, "What?". "The price is around £3000 John" he said and I just felt bad and lost. "Oh...I can't afford that Bertie" I said ears drooping and he sighed. He looked over his shoulder at the curtain and said, "What's your budget?". "£1500" I replied, feeling really down. He gave me a smile, and I got slightly confused. "I'll bring it down for you buddy. But just this once" he said and I felt joy spring up inside me. I hugged him, "Thank you Bertie!" I said but let go, realising how weird it was. "Sorry" I said as he gave me a box. I put the ring in and handed Bertie the money. "Thank you so much Bertie, you're the best" I said, walking out with him. "No problem John. Enjoy her" Bertie said as I waved and left.

Next Day

"So, what is it you wanted to talk about John?" Carrie said, I had the box in my pocket but I was sweating crazily, extremely nervous. "Uhm... C-Carrie, I wanted to tell you... N-no... Ask you a question...." I stuttered and she got slightly concerned. "What's wrong John?" She asked and I swallowed, clenching the ring box in my paw. "I....I...." I said terrified she would say no. She held my paw, "What is it John?" She asked but I shook my head slightly, "I'm sorry Carrie" I said and just walked away, kinda awkwardly. "John, you know I can keep up with you, right?" She said, walking after me. "Carrie, please don't follow me. I'll call you later" I said and she stopped and sighed. "Okay John. Don't be long" she said and walked in the opposite direction. I walked round the corner and punched the wall. "What's wrong with me! Why can't I just propose!" I said, walking slowly towards Jason's, knowing Katie would be there. I know she can help.

"Hey John, come in" Jason said, opening his door. "Thank you Jason" I said walking in. I went to the living room and sat down on the sofa, where Katie was. "Hey John, what's up?" Katie said and I sighed, ears drooped as Jason came in. "Something wrong John?" He asked, sitting next to Katie. "I....I" I said, tears welling in my eyes and Katie hugged me as I broke down crying. "Oh Johnny what's wrong?" Katie asked, kissing my head. "I w-was with C-Carrie. I-*sniff*- I was gonna propose" I blubbered and whined, hugging Katie and crying into her. "Oh Johnny. What happened?" She asked, stroking my hair. "I got t-too scared" I whimpered and she hugged me tighter. "John, please stop crying. I'm sure that Carrie would say yes, she wants to have kids with you for crying out loud" Katie said and I sniffed looking up at her. She took off my glasses, leaving me temporarily blinded before she put them back on. "There, no longer steamed up or covered in tears" she smiled and kissed my head. I smiled a bit, "Thank you Katie. I knew you'd be able to help" I said and she smiled. "Any time John" she said as I sat up. "How's Stan been? Haven't heard from him in a while" Jason asked and I chuckled. "Him and Marie are already engaged. Where do you think I got the idea?" I said and Jason laughed slightly. "Never could wait, could he?" He said and I shook my head. "Well, I'm sure that Carrie would love to marry you. Just make it memorable" he added and I nodded. "I will, don't worry" I said, smiling. And when are you gonna propose Jason? I thought to myself.

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