Chapter 11: No to Talent Show, Yes to Sleepover!

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(Y/n)'s POV

                                       ~3 weeks later~ 

I poured dog food into Chica's bowl. Chica, I know Mark named her. I hid the bag under my bed and saw the pup dig her snout into her food bowl. 

Its been about three weeks since Mark asked me out. Of course I couldn't say no because.... it's Mark, cut me some slack. 

But yet, he never TOOK me out yet. "I wonder what's he planning" I smirked. Chica looked at me and tilted her head. Only Mark and Toriel know I have a dog. 

I kept Chica in my dorm. Unless she had to use the restroom, then I would sneak her in and out. 

~~~~Lunch Time~~~~ 

"So how was the different stretches going?" asked Ethan scooping a spoonful of chocolate pudding. Toriel sighed while Sans put his earbuds in. Mark slapped Ethan by the back of his head. 

"We turned those in last Thursday!" Tyler nodded. "Oh," smiled Ethan. "My bad." Jack and Bob walked over and put there backpacks under the table. "I can't wait for this Saturday" cheered Jack. I nodded. "Me either." 

Mark looked around. "Where's Wade?" he asked. Bob shrugged, "Probably doing something stupid." Toriel, Ethan, Mark, and I held in our laughs. Sans looked up from his phone. "Found him"Sans said. 

Wade raced over to us, out of breath. " Woah Wade, are you okay?" asked Tyler. "Yea because we've never seen you run that fast" said Mark. "Ever" added Jack. Wade caught his breath and said, "We messed up BIG time!" 

All of us followed Wade to the college's student board. There were multiple papers stapled onto the board. "Look here" said Wade pointing at the red piece of paper. Bob adjusted his glasses. "Music Competition, Saturday October 28th" he read.

Ethan scratched his head, Mark looked at Jack who kept rereading the flyer, Tyler glancing at everyone, and Sans watching videos on his phone. Toriel and I seemed to have gotten it. We both looked at each other. Her eyes widened. "We're screwed" I mouthed her. She sadly nodded. 

I turned to face the college men. "Guys, there is no talent show. It's actually a Music Competition." Bob slapped his forehead. "Wait, so we wasted the past few weeks for nothing?" asked Ethan who seemed a bit upset. Jack looked at the ground. 

Jack's POV 

"It's all my fault, I didn't hear the teacher correctly" I thought shoving my hands in my pockets. "Well maybe we could join the Music Competition then?" suggested Mark. I was still a bit annoyed by Mark. 

"Mark, that's stupid" said Tyler. Mark seemed a bit hurt. "Well....your the stupidest out of all of us, besides Wade." Tyler glared at Mark. Toriel broke them up and Tyler and Ethan left. 

"What now?" asked (Y/n) watching Tyler and Ethan walk away. An idea popped into my head. "How about a sleepover at my place?" 

(Y/n)'s POV 

Around 5:30, Toriel arrived at my dorm in her superman shirt and batman pajama pants. Chica bounced over to her. "Hi Chica!" Toriel smiles. Chica yips and her tail wags. I have my (favorite cartoon character) shirt and (color) pajama shorts. "You rock that style (Y/n)" said Toriel sitting on my bed. 

"Thanks" I said letting my (hair color) hair fall lose from my high pony tail. "(Y/n), crazy idea" started Toriel. I grabbed my dorm key and look at Toriel. "What if we bring Chica with us?" She picked up the little puppy, actually Chica is growing fast, and held her. 

"Please, please, pretty please with a cherry on top!" pleaded Toriel. I sighed and smiled. "Fine, but we have to keep her really quiet." 

We snuck to the upstairs dorms and found Jack's dorm. I lightly knocked on the door and it cracked open to were I could only see Mark's body. "Hi Mark" I whispered. 

He looked at me and a warm smile spread to his face. Toriel handed me the dog and went under Mark's arm. "Aw, you brought puppers over here?" smiled Mark. I looked up at him and nodded. Mark stroked Chica's fur. 

"She's very well cared for" Mark said closing the door. My cheeks turned pink. Mark was wearing a gray shirt and black pants. 

"Well, I AM an amazing caretaker" I bragged. Chica whimpered and scratched at Jack's dorm. Mark cracked the door, let the puppy rush in, and closed it again. "What's going on in there?" I asked. 

Mark shrugged. "Jack's setting up blankets and sleeping mats for everyone, Toriel and Sans were watching Bob and Wade fight over which movie to watch, and Chica is resting in Toriel's lap." "Well, well, well. Look at you smart guy." I crossed my arms and gave him a smirk. 

I saw Mark turn red. "So, about I was wondering that now since we don't have to do the music show or whatever, this Saturday I thought that would be a perfect day just for us" said Mark kinda looking embarrassed. 

I kissed him on the cheek. "Sounds wonderful." He blushed and hugged me. I laughed as he picked me up and spun me around. "Come on Mark! Everyone's probably waiting for us!" I giggled. He kissed the top of my nose and put me back down. 

I walked on the dorm to see a dark room with the TV on, Jack and Chica sitting on the bed, Toriel sitting on a cot with more space, probably for me, and a huge foam mattress were Sans, Mark, Wade, and Bob were sleeping. 

I scooted over to Toriel who gave me a sly smile. "What?" I asked. "Oh nothing, except you and football boy over there making out in the hallway" Toriel whispered. "Don't start now" I thought. 

"No, we weren't making out. We were having a duscussion-" "A discussion about your future kids names" interrupted Toriel. "Omg, shut up!" I whispered. Chica hops into my lap. I stick my tongue out at Toriel, and she sticks hers back out. 

"I'm gonna get you back Toriel!" I playfully say. "Yep, good luck with that (Y/n)" nodded Toriel.  

*****And rap it up! That's the end of Chapter 11. Sorry for everyone who wanted to read about the music competition but that would drag on and on and on. 

Thanks everyone for reading, voting, and enjoying this book. Remember if you want to have a person (like yourself or anyone else) or an event happen on this book, just let me know. 

See you guys in the next chapter, bye!******


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