Chapter 23: Assist

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Song: Still Worth Fighting For

~Dark's POV~

Die and I were battling against Anti. Through Mark's crying happy thoughts, I think (y/n) woke up. I dodged Anti's evil Septic Sam's. Die blasted tons of brofists at Anti. Anti put up a shield.

"You'll never defeat me. Just stop before I kill one of you" Anti growled. "Never, until you are banished from the mortal world!" Die hissed. I shot red fireballs at Anti. Anti's blue eye glowed and the fireballs flew into the sky.

"Suit yerself." The clouds turned dark red and formed into a huge thunder cloud. Anti shot green fire in the cloud. I flew torward Anti and tried to kick him in the stomach, but he grabbed my foot and smashed me onto the college's roof.

Pain pierced through my body. The thunder cloud turned a deep green color and lighting bolts appeared here and there. I gasped. Die stared at the cloud. Anti's blue and green eyes turned deep green and a huge lighting bolt zapped torward Die.

He dodged the first one and blocked the second. Anti shot a green fireball at Die. He was caught off guard. Die was hit by the fireball and Anti took his chance. I stood up and bolted torward Die.

Anti shot a huge lighting bolt torward Die. I saw the lighting bolt inch closer to Die. I wouldn't make it. "DIIIEEE!" I yelled. The lighting bolt hit him causing a huge explosion. I was pushed back by the impact.

I fell on the college roof, again. I crawled to the edge of the roof and saw Die's body fall. He crashed on the campus. Mark and the others went to check it out. I saw Jack check Die's pulse. The green haired man shook his head.

I felt my heart crumble. How could Anti kill another demon, especially when the demon was his best friend! I growled and flew to Anti's level. The thunder cloud disappeared. "How could you!" I yelled. Anti shrugged.

"I kinda warned both of ye that you might die." Anti looked at the body and saw (y/n). "Wait how is she awake? No I can't kill her easily now!" Anti looked at me. "You helped Mark, of course you would do that. You love her, just like a HUMAN! You're not a real demon, you never were!"

I charged torwards Anti and punched him in the face. Anti held his jaw and sent seven evil Septic Sam's after me. I shot fire at all of them. Anti bursted through the smoke and kicked me in the lunges.

~(y/n)'s POV~

So after finally waking up, you were told that Anti was jealous that you and Dark kissed and he tried to kill you while I was unconscious. Felix told me his demon opposite Die was the one who stopped Anti from killing me.

"Wait so if Die is gone, are you going to die Felix?" Marzia asked her voice cracking. Felix hugged his girlfriend. "No, I'm not." Toriel and I exchanged confussed glances.

"I don't understand" Toriel said. Sans sighed and rolled his eyes. "Die is a demon, and demons can't fully die. Since Die is considered 'dead' right now, he's basically dead. Felix on the other hand felt the pain that caused Die to...die."

Everyone looked at Sans. He wasn't much of a talker. "So Die will respond back?" Tyler asked. Sans shrugged. "When demons 'die', it takes them three weeks to reform and appear back in the real world again.."

A loud crash echoed in the sky. Part of the college was crumbling. College students and teachers and staff memebers exited the building. "We should probably stay away from the battle" Bob said.

We all ran over to the parking lot and sat behind parked cars. Dirt and fire blasted around. Jack was sitting on my left while Mark was sitting on my right. I looked through the window and saw Anti flying in the air, trying to find me.

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