This is just the beginning

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Song: My demons

~Anti's POV~

I glanced over at Mark who was blacking out. Pfftt, he's weak. I held my knife above (y/n)'s chest. I was staring at (y/n)'s face. Then, memories flooded back to me. The first time we met, the talk while finding a Christmas Tree. It was fun....while it lasted.

I shook those dreadful memories away and got my knife ready. I slammed my knife down but no blood splattered on me. I saw that my knife was hovering above (y/n). What the hell? I tried moving the knife, but it was frozen. "ANTI STOP!" I heard a voice yell.

My heart stopped. couldn't be. I turned around and saw Die standing a couple of feet away from me, his hand glowing a dark blue color. "Die? Wh-what the hell? Why did you stop me?" I asked. Die moved his bloody dirty blonde hair out of his light blue eyes.

"Because Felix told me to watch you're every single move." I was at awe. My best demon friend would turn his back on me, for his opposite. How weak. "But why?" I asked getting a bit annoyed.

Die made my knife fly into his hands. "Since the bathroom incident on Halloween, Felix told me to watch over you. To make sure you don't plan to kill anyone else." I felt angry and a bit shocked that Die would hide this from me.

"Also, Dark send me warning messages the Mark sended him." I hissed and I glared at Die. My green eye glowed and Die was blasted through the wall. I glanced over at (y/n). "I'll deal with you when I finish Die" I mumbled.

I shot into the air and saw Die on the snowy ground. Die held my knife. "Anti, fighting is wrong. We'll damage thr world if we fight!" Die yelled. So what if the world gets damaged? I don't care.

"Stop being such a wuss!" I snarled. Die's blue eyes glowed and he flew up to me. I shot green fireballs at him. He blocked it with my knife. Die's right hand turned blue. He punched me in the face.

I fell and landed on the ground. I got back up and felt blood drip. I touched my cheek and saw blood on my fingers. I barred my fangs at Die and teleported behind him. I grabbed my knife from him and kicked Die in the stomache.

~Jack's POV~

For some reason, I had a very bad feeling. I was sitting on the porch of Felix's beach house. I called Mark five times already and nothing. Marzia walked out and sat next to me. "Jacky, you doing okay?"

I shook my head. "I feel something bad has happened. Mark isn't answering his phone." "Well maybe all of us should check on him. Maybe we can spend Christmas at (y/n)'s dorm" suggested Marzia.

I nodded. She walked back inside the beach house. Suddenly I heard a bang. I walked over to the side of the house and saw the sky slowly turning red. I looked around to find the meaning of this. Flashing colors of light blue and green appeared....where the college was.

Holy shit, (y/n)! I ran into the beach house and told everybody what I saw. "Hurry!" Toriel said sounding a bit scared. We all went in our cars or car pooled and as fast as we could, drove to the college.

~Mark's POV~

My head hurt. I opened my eyes to see a deep red sky and Anti and....Felix? fighting in the sky. My shoulder stung badly. I pulled myself up on my knees. Thank the lord Jesus (y/n) was still alive.

My glasses were broken so I wasn't able to see long distances. I crawled over to (y/n). She didn't look like she was harmed. Another crash was heard. The roof crumbled a bit.

We're not safe here. I limped around the room, trying to find my phone. I heard a 'poof' and I saw Dark standing next to (y/n). "Oh thank god. So Anti and Felix are fighting and this roof is going to fall on us" I informed him.

Dark nodded and threw a water bottle at me. I caught it with my left hand and stared at it. The water was colorful. "The antidote?" Dark nodded as he held (y/n) bridal style. I touched Dark's arm and we teleportated on the side of the college.

Dark carefully rested (y/n) on the snowy ground. A blanket appeared and wrapped itself around (y/n). "Mark, for (y/n) to fully wake up she has to drink all of this" Dark said. I nodded. Dark stood up and stared at the sky.

I knew he was thinking about Anti. "Good luck" I said. Dark nodded and shot into the air. I opened the water bottle and adjusted (y/n) so she is sitting up. I slowly started to pour small amounts of the antidote into (y/n)'s mouth.

I heard car engines. I looked over at the parking lot and saw the group staring at the battle of demons. I spotted Felix..oh, his opposite was the one battling Anti, not him. I'm stupid.

"MARK!" Jack screamed. Everyone raced over to me with tears in their eyes. "We all thought you and (y/n) were gone" said Ethan wipping his tears away. Sans was the only one that wasn't crying, no shock their.

Toriel held (y/n)'s hand. "We have to get away from here" Wade said. For once, I agreed with Wade. I poured some more magic water in (y/n)'s mouth. The bottle was already half empty.

I tightened the cap and winced at the pain in my right shoulder. "Oh my god Mark! Your shoulder!" Abigail yelped. Everyone looked and saw my bloody shoulder. Marzia took out a bandage wrap from her school bag and wrapped it around my shoulder.

Tyler carried (y/n). We all went to the cherry tree. It was not to far but not to close to the college. I couldn't see at all. "Mark here." Jack handed me his glasses. "Thanks Jack." I put them on and saw (y/n) laying against the tree.

I poured more magical water in her mouth. We all sat around (y/n). Loud sounds of the three demons fighting. I poured another amount in (y/n)'s mouth. There was a little left. She still wasn't moving.

I poured the last amount in her mouth and we waited. Come on (y/n), come on. You can't be gone. Suddenly, her fingers twitched. Toriel and Marzia gasped. (Y/n)'s hands and feet slowly were moving.

I felt tears roll down my face. She moved her head around and finally, she opened her beautiful eyes. Her eyes flickered at everyone. "Hi guys." I started crying. "(Y/N)!" Toriel screamed.

We all hugged (y/n). I never cried this much in my life. I never knew I would do so much for (y/n). I looked over at Jack who was crying as well.

After our crying and explaining everything to (y/n), there was a loud bang. (Y/n) jumped and we all looked at the college. We saw no demons anywhere. We all walked closer to the campus until a green light flashed in the sky.

Felix held his chest and he yelled. "Felix!" Marzia cried. Felix fell to his knees. "Felix are you okay?" asked Bob. Felix groaned. "I-I don't know...but I-I felt a shock of pain that hurt as hell."

"Hey guys, look" (y/n) said. I looked at the sky and saw a human figure fall from the sky. I was horrified. The figure crashed a couple of yards away from us. Felix stood back up and Marzia helped him walk.

Jack and I walked to the body. Everyone followed right behind. I walked until the body was infront of me. As soon as I saw the body, I regretted that I did. "Who is it?" Ethan asked.

Felix came up to the body and he covered his mouth. "What! Who is it?" (Y/n) asked. Jack checked the person's pulse and he shook his head, knowing this person was gone. I asked Felix the name of this person and nodded. I turned to everyone and said,

"Its Die."

Green Or Red? (Markiplier x Reader x Jacksepticeye)        *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now