Chapter 27: Little 'Hangout'

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Song: Lane Boy

*Last Day Of Your 1st Year in College*

*2 Days Until Jack Leaves*

~(Y/n)'s POV~

I tapped my figures, watching the clock tick. Math was the worst class ever. (Sorry to math lovers) Five minutes left in this class and I'm off to art class. "(Y/n), what's the answer to this?" My math Teacher asked.

I glanced at the board. "Can you read it please?" I asked. "Of course, What is 25 Jack multiplied by 19 Mark when Jack and Mark equal your future husband" she read. I stared at her. "Repeat that please."

"What is 25x multiplied by 19x when x equals 7?" The teacher repeated. "Um...." The bell cut me off. The class was dismissed. I stared at the board. The teacher said Jack and Mark, right?

I walked into art class and sat in the back of the class. Toriel and Ethan sat with me. "Good afternoon class, today we will be painting Mark and Jack" the art teacher said. I shook my head. This can't be real.

The art teacher started painting on his canvas. Ethan played Clash Royal on his phone while Toriel was watching. After seven minutes of silence, the art teacher turned his canvas to face his students.

I almost had a heart attack. It was Mark and Jack dressed in a suit and tie. I tapped Toriel's arms. "What?" "D-do you s-see what I see?" I asked. Toriel looked over at the art teacher's painting. "Yea, the Eiffel Tower."

I rubbed my eyes and the Mark and Jack painting was replaced with an Eiffel Tower painting. "Holy shit, I'm going crazy" I mumbled.

~Time Skip~

We had ten minutes left in art class and we were either talking or free paint. "(Y/n), are you okay?" Ethan asked. I jumped and looked around. The ceiling was red and green. Ethan's hair was green while Toriel's was red.

Toriel slapped her across the face. My eyes adjusted and everything was in regular colors. I rubbed my cheek. "Sorry, you looked like you saw aliens take me away" Toriel said hugging me. "No, no, I needed it. I think I might be going crazy" I said looking at Ethan and Toriel.

"Why?" Ethan wondered. "I don't know, when I woke up everything was fine then in math I swear I heard the teacher say Mark and Jack's name" I started.

"That's odd" Toriel said. "Right? Then when class started, I heard the art teacher say that we were going to paint Mark and Jack. When he finished, you guys saw the Eiffel Tower while I saw Mark and Jack in black tux" I continued. 

"Are you high?" Ethan whispered. I gasped. "Ethan, shut up! No I'm not, but I feel like somethings wrong. I saw green and red everywhere. On the roof and both of your guys hair." Toriel thought.

"Maybe your brain is telling you that you have to make a choice now?" I stared at my blank canvas. I can't make a choice, I don't want broken hearts, especially mine.

"I still have two days before Jack leaves" I said feeling the weight being lifted from my shoulders. "Um..problem with that is that if you choose Jack the day he leaves, you'll have to get packed in an hour with ALL of your stuff" Ethan pointed out. "So technically, you have tomorrow night to decide whether or not its Mark or Jack."

Suddenly the weights were back on. Toriel hugged me. "Don't worry, when its time, your heart and brain will agree on either Mark or Jack." The bell rang.

~Time Skip~

Finally the classes were over! I threw all my books under my bed and ran over to Jack's dorm. I decided to make every moment with Jack, because I might not choose him.

"Hey (Y/n), whatcha doing here?" Jack asked. I spotted his room all packed up. Jack saw me looking in his room and stepped aside. I walked in. It was so empty. I remembered we had a sleepover at Jack's dorm and we all played Truth or Dare.

Mark was dared to run down the hall screaming that he's gay. I chuckled remembering that. "What's so funny?" Jack asked. I shook my head. "Just remembering the memories we shared in this room."

I felt a tear slide down my face. "Aww, (y/n)." Jack wrapped his arms around me. I began to cry, my forehead resting on Jack's chest. "I-I'm just going to miss you s-so much." "I'm going to be missing ye too" Jack said as he rubbed my back.

My crying stopped and we both were just standing there hugging each other. "I-I was wondering if you wanted to get a coffee or something" I said breaking the silence. Jack looked at me. "I'd love to." He kissed me and I kissed him back.

~At Cafe Coffee~

Jack and I sat near the window. The waitress came over. "Hi, um..I would like (favorite drink, coffee, soda, etc)" I said. "I'll have caramel coffee" Jack said. The waitress nodded and walked away.

"Alright (y/n), tell me some stuff about ye" Jack said putting his elbows on the table. I nodded. I told him I played (favorite sport) since I was six, I told him about my brother going missing, and I told him about that time I accidentally hit my dad with a plastic bat.

"Why would ye do that?" Jack asked. "It's a funny story, so I was right when this happened and it was on Christmas Day," I started. "Oh boy" Jack smiled while drinking his coffee. "My dad was dressed up as Santa and came throught the front door. I wasn't a Santa believer child, so I grabbed my bat and hit him until my brother stopped me." Jack started laughing.

I wish my mom had it on camera, it was too funny. We left the coffee place and continued to tell stories to each other. Like how Jack got his YouTube channel name, why he wanted to start YouTube, and many more stuff.

I held Jack's hand as we walked into th college campus. "This was the best (y/n) " Jack said as we walked to the door of his room. "Aww, you don't have to thank me. It's just a little date before you go" I blushed.

I still held onto Jack's hand. Jack blushed and started crying. "Jack-" "(y/n), I don't want to leave you" Jack said as he hugged me. I felt myself start to tear up.

"Jack, there's nothing you or I could do about it." I heard Jack gasp and he released me. "(Y/n), that's it!" "What?" I asked. Jack wiped away his tears and held both of my hands. "Come to Ireland with me."

I heart jumped. "J-jack, I-I haven't...M-mark...I still need to d-decide." Jack's smile faded and regrew. "Don't worry about it. I don't want more stuff to get into yer head." He kissed my forehead.

I kissed his cheek. "I promise I'll choose tomorrow night." Jack nodded and hugged me one more time. "Love you" he said as he closed the door. I blushed and whispered, "Love you too." 

Green Or Red? (Markiplier x Reader x Jacksepticeye)        *COMPLETE*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora