Chapter 17: Understanding Anti

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Song: Angel With A Shotgun

* 4 Days Until Christmas *

~(Y/n)'s POV~

After watching myself get pied and Mark getting pied, I thought of being a YouTuber. It would be fun. I would still be able to stay connected to all of my friends and play games.

I smiled as I thought of myself as a Youtuber. Maybe that could be my career....

"Knock, knock, knock" said Toriel. I jumped out of my chair and unlocked the door. "You know you don't say knock, knock, right?" Toriel's light blonde hair was curled and she was snuggled up in a light blue jacket and skinny jean pants.

"Oh, I didn't know." Toriel walked in my dorm and Chica leaped onto her. I locked the door and looked out the window. Last night it snowed, so today students aren't aloud to leave the campus.

"(Y/n), wanna get a christmas tree?" asked Toriel as she played tug of war with Chica. "But we aren't aloud and why would we get a Christmas tree?" I asked. "Because Mark, Felix, Marzia, Ethan, Sans, Jack, Bob, Tyler, Wade, and I were going to get a Christmas tree for Felix's Beach house."

"You're all sneaking out?" I asked. Chica ripped the toy from Toriel's hands and hid under my bed. "Yep, wanna come?" Toriel smiled. "Hell yea I'll come!" I cheered. Toriel squealed and danced around.

I got my black jacket and put it over my red shirt and I wore black jean pants. I grabbed my red beanie and kissed Chica. I locked the door and followed Toriel to the cafeteria.

~Time Skip ~

The cafeteria looked amazing. College students were chatting or staring at the decorations. I looked over at the Mistletoe, remembering Mark thinking I would kiss him.

Hey I did, but not on the lips. Toriel grabbed my wrist and dragged me through the room. I crashed infront of Jack. He immediately blushed and so did I. "So you're coming along?" I nodded and ajusted my beanie.

"Alright guys, lets move come on!" cheered Felix as he led us to the backdoor that led us behind the college. Mark kept the door as everyone snuck in. I looked down the hall and my Math teacher was walking down.

"Run, teachers are coming!" I whispered/yelled. I was the last to come out. Mark close the door and both of us giggled. "You almost got us in trouble!" Mark snickered. "Me? Says the guy who was last out." I elbowed his shoulder.

"Says the girl" Mark blushed in embarrassment. I giggled. "Gotcha, Red Head." "Look at you! You're like the girl version of me!" Mark yelled.

"Red Lovebirds! Come on!" Wade yelled. "SHUT UP WADE!" We both yelled.

~Time Skip to the Christmas Tree place~

Jack, Mark, Ethan, and I went together while Toriel, Wade, Bob, and Sans went together, and Tyler, Abigail, Felix, and Marzia went together. I scanned the trees. "They all pretty much look the same."

"Sure they do, but their heights are different" said Mark. "What are you, my Science Teacher?" I asked. "Maybe." I punched Mark in the arm. "Shut up ya Goofball." Jack came through the Christmas Trees. "Thats my line!"

"Woah Jack were did you come from?" asked Ethan. "From Narnia. I have come to deliver a message!" Jack took out his phone and read, "The height of the tree must be... 6"6"

"Dammn, that's tall" Mark, Ethan and I said. Jack looked around. "How about this one?" I looked at the tag. "Its 6"3."

After checking, we decided to take a break. We sat at the lunchtables and relaxed for awhile. I picked some snow from the ground and formed it into a snowball. I looked up at Toriel, Mark, and Jack.

"(Y/n), ye better put that away" Jack said. I faked throw the snowball, causing Jack to jump behind Mark. Everyone started laughing. "Yea, yea, laugh it all up assholes" Jack said sitting down.

I went back to searching. I walked to the row of trees in the back of the Christmas Tree Sale place. *BTW the place is outside* I walked around and couldn't find anything.

"Ye need help (Y/n)" I heard Jack say. "Yes I do." I turned around and saw not Jack but looked like Jack. His hair was dark green, he wore a black shirt and gray pants. His left eye was bright green and his other eye was Jack's blue color.

"Oh, hi there. Anti right?" Anti floated and nodded. "Hey (Y/n), I'm sorry for acting psycho on Halloween. I-Jack just seemed upset and I don't like it when he's upset" Anti said.

Okay, so some people might just say 'OMG, no way am I forgiving you! You almost killed Mark' and all that bullshit. But I give second chances and if Anti is changing his ways, why not start it in Christmas!

"Anti, I forgive you. Now wanna help me get a Christmas tree?" I smiled. I started walking and Anti walked beside me. "Whats a Christmas Tree?" I looked over at Anti. "Do demons celebrate any holidays?" I asked.

"Only Halloween, although I've overheard of others" Anti examined the trees. Oh...poor Anti. I touched his shoulder. He flinched and looked into my eyes. "I'll help you understand all the holidays."

I saw Anti blush. "Thanks, no one would do such a thing for me." We kept walking. "But I thought you and Jack were like...friends" I said.

"Are ye kidding me? First I was created by Darkiplier, he told me my goal was supoose to bring misery and fear to tons. And thats what I did. I showed in multiple of Jack's videos, then he noticed that every video I was in gave him more subscribers and likes. Eventually, I was used for popularity. Eventually Dark noticed and he wasn't happy. We both talked with Jack and Mark and now we are kinda free, unless we WANT to do a video with them. Ye know, fun scary stuff" Anti told.

Wow....I couldn't see Jack like that. "I'm so sorry Anti" I said. I hugged him. He was the opposite of Jack, they both deserve the same amount of love. Anti was confused for a second, then hugged back.

"Thanks for understanding (Y/n)" blushed Anti. "No problem." Anti floated around the trees and flew back to me. "What tree are we looking for?" I looked back at the text Felix sent me.

"A pine tree, height "6"6." Anti flew back up and scanned the area. I stared at him. He flew down and smiled. "Found a match, follow me." He started soaring ahead of me. I ran after him. I turned, and turned again.

Until I found Anti standing infront of a perfect Pine tree. I checked the tag. 6"6 and its only $24. "Amazing Anti! Thanks so much!" I hugged Anti again. "Aw, come on (Y/n), I'm just helping a friend" blushed Anti holsing the back of his neck.

"(Y/n)!" I turned around and saw Toriel, Mark, Bob, and Felix running torwards me. "Woah guys calm down! I'm alive and I found the perfect Christmas Tree." Mark hugged me. "How?"

I walked over to Anti and put my arm on his shoulder. "Because of this amazing demon, Anti helped me." Mark flinched and touched his head. The others found us and Jack seemed furious.

"Anti! What did I tell ye? Stay away from ALL of my friends." Anti's green eye glowed in anger. "Your not the boss of me, technically Darkiplier is. Your just like a brother." "I AM NO WAY RELATED TO YOU!" Jack yelled. "More of an ass" Anti yelled.

I grabbed two snowballs and chucked them at the two boys. "Shut the fuck up Jack!" I stood infront of Anti. "No wonder Anti feels miserable all the time. All he wants to do is be normal. Spend the holidays with us, play with us, be one of us."

I looked behind myself and saw Anti blushing.

~Jack's POV~

Why would (y/n) stand up for him? Does she trust Anti more than me? This is why I hate Anti, he never listens and then I look like a Jackass in the end.

I took a deep breath. "I'm sorry Anti and (y/n). Anti, I'm sorry for saying that ye can't be near anyone and for controlling you." (Y/n) gave me a warm smile and hugged me. "Aww! GROUP HUG!" Mark yelled.

Everyone formed a group hug, except for Anti.

~(Y/n)'s POV~

I joined in on the hug. I looked around and saw Anti standing their. I grabbed Anti's hand and pulled him in. "Anti," Anti looked at me. "How would you like to spend Christmas with us?"

Green Or Red? (Markiplier x Reader x Jacksepticeye)        *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now