Things can make your Girlfriend Jealous

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Things that can make your girlfriend jealous:

1. If you're trying to compare her to your ex, or you say any compliment about your ex. (Say something negative about your ex instead)

2. If you liked other girls' photo on FB, Insta, or Twitter. (Lalo na kapag sexy)

3. If she caught you glancing at another girl while you're with her. (Swerte mo kung hindi ka mababatukan)

4. If she sees you that you're being too friendly and nice to other girls. (Kahit walang malisya, sa kanila meron lalo na kung maganda at sexy yung girl)

5. If she heard you saying compliments to any girl. (Siya lang dapat ang maganda at pupurihin mo)

PS: Not all girls can get jealous of these petty reasons, just most of them.

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