Insecure? Just love yourself

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When you cannot see your own beauty and you believe that you are really a chararat so you tend to hate and get jealous of other women for being prettier than you, like whenever you see those women with make-up on, your line is always like this:

"Sus! Nadala lang sa makeup yan. Burahin mo makeup, ang pangit nyan."

And other bitter remarks about other women who are prettier than you.

See? You're just earning your self-confidence by degrading other people and we all know that it is beri wrong in so many levels! Instead of being a bitterella of the face of other women, why don't you do something about your own flaws? Learn to embrace it or learn to get rid of it.

Because in those ways, you can be confident for what you are, and for what you have, thus you don't need to degrade other women just to feel good about yourself; thus, you'd learn how to mind your own f*cking business.

Keep this is in mind, cosmetics free or not, we're all beautiful in our own ways. :)

FEU Manila

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